Renewable energy

Morocco seeks to double southern Sahara population with flood of investment | International

Nearly half a century after Spain left Western Sahara, barely 200,000 people live in the south of the former colony's…

5 days ago

Holaluz, the disaster of the great green hope | Companies

In October 2013, a small Catalan marketer broke into the electricity market by winning the first collective procurement auction organized…

2 months ago

Electricity in Spain will be cheaper in the 2024-2033 decade than in France and Germany

Electricity prices, as CNMC explains in its report, fell in 2023 in European markets “both spot (spot or daily) and…

2 months ago

Photovoltaics surpasses gas and already provides almost 10% of electricity in mainland Spain | Companies

The revolution is accelerating. According to Red Eléctrica de España (REE), in the first two months of 2024, solar photovoltaic…

4 months ago

Solaria increases profits by 19% in 2023, to a record of 107.5 million.

Solarium Received record net profit of 107.5 million euros in 2023, which represents 19% increase compared to last year, the…

4 months ago

China installs renewable energy equivalent to half of Europe’s electricity capacity in Gobi Desert

China is making a decisive bet on Renewable Energy, and the most obvious example is the mega-plants launched in the…

4 months ago

Owner of Forestalia, an Aragonese renewable energy magnate who reinvented himself after leaving the pig farming sector.

Forestalia owner Fernando Samper (Zaragoza, 1964) founded a company promoting renewable energy thirteen years ago. In record time, it has…

4 months ago

Ford opens new ERTE center for 500 casual workers in Almussafes

Factory Ford in Almussafes (Valencia) was chosen in 2020 by an American company for investment €42 million to install a…

5 months ago

AI helps find a replacement for lithium used in electric vehicle batteries

The new material, "unknown to us and not found in nature, could potentially reduce lithium use in batteries by 70%"…

5 months ago