Scientific Research

this little animal is to blame

Ominous melody rattles and rattles This heightened the atmosphere in most of the villages and towns of the Middle Ages.…

5 months ago

Genetic cause of most common brain malformation discovered | The science

After nearly a decade of work and an almost detective-like search for cases around the world, an international consortium of…

5 months ago

How gender affects health: living longer, but in worse health | Health and wellness

Sex and gender shape health: Being male or female interacts with other variables, such as race, socioeconomic status, age, or…

5 months ago

Why does night exist? | Cosmic Void

Questions that seem too simple, naive or childish, such as why night exists, often lead us to complex answers containing…

5 months ago

Experiment on flies casts doubt on decades-old theory about the origin of cancer | Health and wellness

More than forty years ago, it was discovered that cancer arises from the accumulation of persistent genetic mutations within normal…

5 months ago

How Exercise Can Help Improve Memory | Health and wellness

Physical activity has already been shown to help prevent cognitive decline, but now an Argentine study goes even further, trying…

7 months ago

Why did you always get your age wrong, according to astrophysicists | Cosmic Void

How old are you? This is a simple question that we've all been asked at one time or another. But…

7 months ago

Breast cancer test with saliva: when the news is far from reality | Health and wellness

News of a new treatment that can cure the most aggressive subtype of cancer, or a new method of early…

7 months ago

Experts suggest that the Pacific tectonic plate will be destroyed by suboceanic faults.

According to a study conducted by scientists from the University of Toronto, The Western Pacific tectonic plate will tear apart.which…

8 months ago

An underground ocean discovered on Saturn’s moon Mimas | The science

Mars is the planet that aliens identify with, but there are other nearby worlds in the solar system where life…

8 months ago