
Study Sheds Light on Mystery of Giant Galaxies in Young Universe | Science

When the space telescope two years ago James Webb He began sending back his first images of the universe’s early…

1 month ago

Astronomy with Two Surnames: In Defense of Science Made in Latin America | Future America

EL PAÍS openly offers the América Futura section for daily and global information contributions on sustainable development. If you want…

3 months ago

Webb discovers mature quasar at cosmic dawn

An international team of astrophysicists used James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) study one of most massive and distant black holesat…

3 months ago

Euclid Telescope celebrates its first scientific discoveries with stunning images | The science

Almost a year has passed since the launch of the telescope Euclid, also known as the detective of the dark…

4 months ago

James Webb photographed the Horsehead Nebula in unprecedented detail.

The James Webb Space Telescope just captured the most detailed images yet of a flowing mane. Horsehead Nebulaa dense, distant…

5 months ago