
One in four Aragonese suffers from liver problems

The president of the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver (AEEH), Manuel Romero, warned in Zaragoza of the…

2 weeks ago

Teruel, protagonist of the Euclid mission that revolutionized astronomy

Investigations just published Euclid space mission and which revolutionized the world of astronomy. Teruel seal and participation Center for Research…

1 month ago

Teruel, protagonist of the Euclid mission that revolutionized astronomy

Investigations just published Euclid space mission and which revolutionized the world of astronomy. Teruel seal and participation Center for Research…

1 month ago

Oblitosaurus Bunnueli, a cinema dinosaur from Teruel

February 20, 2024 marks 200 years since English naturalist William Buckland (1784-1856) described what is considered science's first dinosaur, the…

2 months ago

Using genetic sequencing to improve diagnosis and personalize cancer treatment

Targeted therapy, often known as precision medicine or personalized medicine, is characterized by targeting specific changes or substances present in…

4 months ago