
Vaccine against bronchitis in infants prevented 10,000 hospitalizations this winter

Madrid - Monday, 06.24.2024 - 16:17 It was one of the greatest innovations vaccination schedule last winter and the results…

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A slap in the face you don’t have to worry about

Although it is a common childhood illness that usually presents with mild symptoms such as fever or rash, erythema infectiosum…

2 weeks ago

Murcia Children’s Virus | Pediatricians warn of rising incidence of ‘slap virus’ among children

Pediatricians warn of rising incidence of 'slap virus' among childrenChiron Pediatricians in Murcia have noticed a significant increase in cases…

3 weeks ago

Covid region of Murcia | Covid returns with force to the region as summer approaches

Covid returns with force to the region as summer approachesIsrael Sanchez Covid is not going away. Four years after that…

3 weeks ago

“I’m for Safe Sex”, a campaign to prevent STIs among young people

The Ministry of Health has launched a new campaign, “I'm Safe Sex,” to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among young…

4 weeks ago

Navarra makes progress in preventing cervical cancer

Dr. Silvia Carlos, professor at the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Navarra, traveled to…

1 month ago

“Impossible vaccines”: science against pathogens

There are many challenges in developing “impossible vaccines,” so called because of their scientific and financial complexity. Some diseases, such…

2 months ago

“I recommend using a condom for stable couples, because papilloma can be acquired at a young age and appear at 40 years old”

How can a virus cause cancer? Viruses are DNA or RNA particles and require human cells to reproduce. When a…

4 months ago

What is “immunoamnesia,” a side effect of measles?

Although Spain, thanks to its vaccine shield, has avoided a global measles outbreak (we are the exception in Europe), the…

4 months ago

BACTERIA KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE | Warning: The number of cases of Klebsiella pneumoniae, which WHO classifies as a particularly dangerous multidrug-resistant bacteria, is on the rise.

European health authorities have raised alarms about the growing expansion 'Klebsiella pneumonia' (hvKP)multi-resistant intestinal bacteria that World Health Organization (WHO)…

4 months ago