Ten healthy habits for good health for the year

Seasonal cycles teach us to recover. Winter is a time to stop, pause, integrate and from there plan a year of well-being. The basis is a healthy daily routine and strict discipline. Creating positive habits improves our overall health. There are practices such as going to the gym or going for a run that are good for the body, but one needs to achieve a holistic vision that also benefits the mind and spirit.

Books like “Yu”year of prosperity (Cinco Tintas, 2023) are guides with monthly recommendations to improve the quality of our lives. Suggestions include cultivating creativity through journaling or sketching, working with gratitude, spending time in nature, reflecting, preparing new recipes, or establishing daily rituals.

Winter is a time to stop, pause, integrate, and plan for a year of well-being from now on.

Each month may have a different goal. For example, January is a time of reboots and conscious formulation of new decisions. February to explore. March to sow. April to connect and create. Maybe start doing active recreation. June to connect with the body and feel. The summer solstice bonfires mark the beginning of a new renewal. In July we swim in nature, and in August we live in full swing. The sea or the great blue teaches us to flow, and when September comes we reap the harvest and reap what was sown in the spring. Be it projects or benefiting from our habits established at the beginning of the year. In October we begin to let go and reopen. November is conducive to reflection, pause and working with crafts. December is used to reflect on what the year has been and celebrate the passage of cycles.

In July we swim in nature, and in August we live in full swing.

In July we swim in nature, and in August we live in full swing.

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It is not good to mark time and repeat ourselves, but it is useful to reinforce the practices that bring us well-being. Everyone should explore those that suit him best, taking into account the individual’s global vision. We are body, mind and soul. No matter how much we work on the former, nothing will improve if we continue with distracted or obsessive thoughts. In the same way, our spirit increasingly requires more attention in times of neurosis and mental illness.

Daily meditation improves our awareness. Mindfulness practice, which brings the mind into the present moment, is also good. Nature gives us a connection to the sacred. If a person meditates or just walks through the forest, he can feel the wind, the roots of the earth, or concentrate on the sound of rain, realizing that water is life. We are life and everything is one.

Perceive the wind, the roots of the earth, or focus on the sound of rain.

Yoga practice nourishes our inner strength, and by making the body more flexible, the mind can lose its rigidity. She is our central computer, the brightest diamond that should be connected to the radiance of the heart and emotions. It is good to always choose happiness by waking up every day grateful for the opportunity to live. The body benefits not only from eating healthy, but also from preparing food at reasonable hours.

The circadian rhythm requires living in accordance with the solar cycle, sleeping the required number of hours and constantly. This is the only way we can stop the waves of the mind and the tiresome inner monologue that accompanies it. Journaling helps us focus and move from a foggy mind to a clear mind. Creating rituals of patience, such as restoring furniture or simply washing dishes with concentration, leads us to understand that haste destabilizes us.

The circadian rhythm requires you to live in accordance with the solar cycle, sleep the required number of hours and constantly

There are many practices that we can do during the year that is now beginning. The main thing is to create a roadmap and not give up on it. Our being will deeply appreciate this.

Three wellness practices


The Joy of Gratitude
Fill the box with mementos, be it photographs, memories, beautiful quotes or poems. You can include written memories in the form of short stories and include them. In the evenings, spend some time reflecting on your day and the things you are grateful for. Collect them in a list and add them to the cash register. At the end of each week, take something away to remind yourself of your gratitude for life.


Explore your inner voice
Meditate for a moment. Stay silent in a secluded place. Breathe slowly and deeply. When you’re ready, grab a notepad and focus on the things you don’t usually tell yourself. Who are you to yourself? This may be the key question that needs to be answered. Write smoothly and don’t stop to think too much. Don’t let your inner voice be blocked by external noise. Express yourself openly.


Star Meditation
The next time you look at the night sky, pick a star and focus all your attention on it. Focus on this experience in a place where there is no excessive light pollution. Allow yourself to look at the star to identify with it. Enter a state of peace and tranquility. Finally, widen your view and contemplate the sky as a collection of stars with whom you will share life’s journey.​

Journaling helps us focus and move from a foggy mind to a clear mind.

Journaling helps us focus and move from a foggy mind to a clear mind.

Getty Images

Ten healthy habits for the new year

1. Create a stable daily routine

Although we live in a world of change, the body and mind appreciate a fixed routine. In this way we create cycles and automatisms that can be useful to us. Get up and meditate. Always have lunch and dinner at the same time. Provide a place to read at the end of the day. Cook slow on Saturday. Clean your house on Sunday. The magic of order centers us.

2. Eat slowly

Slow food in a fast world. You can start by cooking yourself. Do it slowly, paying attention to each process. In the same way, enjoy the process of exchange at the table, trying not to break away from the process of eating. Watching food is distracting, and talking about the problems of the day is unpleasant. Pay attention to what you eat. Observe, savor and chew slowly. Your mind and body will thank you.

Although we live in a world of change, the body and mind appreciate a fixed routine.

3. Connect to your feelings

As an exercise in attention and concentration, it is very helpful to be able to connect with the senses. It’s just a matter of concentration. Observe what is in front of you, what you hear, what you touch, the smells that surround you, or the tastes that linger in your mouth. Write about what you like to see, touch, hear…

4. Speak positively

We live in complaints, and we will certainly have many reasons for this. However, being what we think and express, it is better to come out of negativity. Stop starting sentences with “no” and filling them with “buts.” Speak positively and look at life with optimism, even if you have to force it in the early days. If you can overcome a complaint, your life will immediately change.

We live in a noisy era, so learn to spend part of your day in silence.

We live in a noisy era, so learn to spend part of your day in silence.

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5. Practice silence

We live in an age of noise, so learn to spend part of your day in silence. Watch with full attention. Integrate, listen and empathize without giving opinions or expressing any ideas. You may be silent during meals or during activities where you usually talk. Also try to stop your internal monologue.

6. Good wishes

There are many of us on the planet. In addition to focusing on yourself, strive to empathize with the rest of the world by sending good wishes. Ask the Universe for good for everyone and persist in goodness. The law of karma will reward you.

7. Meditate

Meditating is being alone with yourself. Nothing more. The posture is not so important, what is important is to be able to take time, preferably when you wake up or at the end of the night, to listen to yourself, feel yourself and reduce the intensity of your mind. The key is breathing. Slowly, consciously, through the nose and in four phases. Inhale, hold air, exhale and hold without air.

Meditating is being alone with yourself. Nothing more. Posture is not so important, what is important is the ability to take time

8. Create a space of intimacy

To meditate, you need to have personal space. A secluded and private place where you can be calm. It should not be a place of passage or an altar. Any corner of the house will do as long as you are confident that you can remain calm and quiet. Choosing the right time is as important as the location.

9. Breathe

It is very difficult for us to breathe consciously. Yoga and meditation help us with this, as well as various sports such as swimming, cycling or trekking. Long and deep breathing is the path to a healthier body and mind.

10. Take a walk at night

Go for a walk at night when the city is quieter or nature has reduced its intensity. It’s good to experience darkness. This is natural for our biology and also for restful sleep. Stopping your mind and going for a walk at night can be very relaxing. The destination is not important, what is important is the process of walking without a specific direction.

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