The European dollar posted its fourth gain in the last five rounds, reaching $1,400.

Financial dollars closed higher on Thursday, July 4.after it broke a strong bullish rally the day before. The US holiday reduced CCL trading volume.

The so-called “cable” dollar rose by 0.3% ($4.14). Meanwhile, he MEP rose 1% ($13.18) to close at $1,395.68.. Thus, the gap with the official exchange rate was 52.7% in the case of CCL and 52.4% in the case of MEP.

“Today is expected to be a quiet day as it is a holiday in the US, so the CCL will not be running and the curve will be quite flat,” Juan Ignacio Alra, portfolio manager at Southern, warned in the first hours of the trading round.

From last week to Tuesday, quotes showed significant jumps – up to 8.8%, amid concerns about the sustainability of exchange rate policy.

This Friday, the Central Bank (BCRA) intervened in the wholesale market by purchasing US$22 million of its reserves as part of a market liquidity regulation.

“The government is asking for a longer period to further strengthen reserves before creating a new monetary and foreign exchange program,” said José María Segura of PwC Argentina. “The question is whether the market will give it to them and, if so, at what price (interest rate),” he added.

What is the official dollar rate today, Thursday, July 4th?

On the official stock market wholesale dollar rose by $1 to $916 per unit.

What is the dollar futures rate trading at today, Thursday, July 4th

In dollar futures contracts, the price for trading purposes is July will be at $941. By August, it had fallen by 0.5% to $981, and in September, it showed a decline of 0.7% to $1027.5. At the end of the year, it worked with a decline of 1.2% to $1202.0..

Dollar Card Price Today, Thursday, July 4

He dollar card or tourist cardAnd dollar savings (or in solidarity) climbed on US$1,494.40.

Cryptodollar quote today, Thursday, July 4

He cryptodollar or Bitcoin Dollar works in $1,399.22 USDin accordance with Bitso.

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