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The happiest people have this simple habit they do every day at home

Happiness It is a momentary state of maximum satisfaction that, although fleeting, we all use as a goal in life. Something that Will Smith has already said in the film looking for happiness: “This part of my life, this little part, is called happiness.”

We look for all possible mechanisms to achieve firm and lasting happiness. Some of these include sitting down with a therapist to improve our emotional management, going on a trip to disconnect from our daily lives or meditating to escape stress. All of these things are great for being happy, but sometimes, they are not enough. There are many Factors that do not depend on usIf not from external sources or the environment itself, we should not feel discouraged if we cannot control it.

Many experts have given their verdict on how to achieve perfect happiness and how to overcome those obstacles which are not in our power to achieve it. There is one, Cecil Konijendijkwho conducted a study that determined 3-30-300 rule So that our mood remains good.

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What does it mean to be truly happy?

The happiest people share the 3-30-300 rule.


3-30-300 rule

Researcher and author Cecil Konijendijk, in his study ‘The 3-30-300 Rule for Urban Forestry and Green Cities’Collected from ResearchGate web portal, tells us what is the basic rule of achieving happiness in our own home and what we should do to achieve it.

This is what we need to do, says author from the Netherlands constantly surrounded by nature And the focus should be on transforming cities into authentic green lungs. He tells us that in order to mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce environmental impact, the administration and various organizations must work to achieve this.

However, we have the power to be happy and put an end to a situation that can lead us to a very serious destruction of nature. To do this we have to follow the 3-30-300 rule. We explain it to you!

how to be happy?

According to this technique, there are three steps to follow to achieve happiness on a daily basis. And they are very easy to follow:

1. View 3 trees from the house

The first rule of this rule is to see at least 3 trees from every house From the terrace, garden or window. Konijnendijk says that it contributes positively to our mood and to be in contact with nature with some regularity. In addition, he commented that this technique was infallible during the COVID-19 confinement, because being able to observe trees and green spaces helps to feel good emotionally.

2. Each neighborhood should be covered by 30% trees

It is one of the most beneficial factors for achieving happiness. If about a third of our residential area is covered with trees, it can mean improving our emotions, breathing less pollution, having a more regulated climate and, most importantly, being happy. Promotes relationships between neighbors.On the other hand, it’s perfect for going out more and exercising more.

3. Have a park or forest within 300 metres at most

Researchers say that to achieve happiness, there should be at most one park, forest or garden within a radius of 300 meters of our house. This is equivalent to almost 5-10 minutes walk from our house. These green spaces are essential for healthy daily life and where young children can play. Cecil pays particular attention to Spanish cities, which already have urban centers that comply with this rule.

take note!

Experts agree: The happiest people have these 5 quick house-cleaning tips in common

What do I need to do to be happy?

There are other nature-related ways to achieve happiness.


Novelty! We have a WhatsApp channel! Follow all the information about decoration, order, cleaning and everything related to the house El Mueble channel on whatsapp

This is not a warehouse!

An expert confirms it: the happiest people don’t keep things in their mother’s house

achieving happiness by being exposure to trees and other elements of natureHere are 3 techniques you can do:

  1. concentrate: You can go to the nearest forest, sit and relax while observing nature. This can serve to reconnect with yourself and reflect on how our environment works.
  2. Take care of nature: If you see that other people are not doing anything for the green space, then volunteer to take care of the forests and keep them safe.
  3. Spruce up a corner of your home: If you have a large terrace or a large garden, you can plant your own trees. There are thousands of ways to take the initiative and surround yourself with more natural area.

Happiness according to a Harvard expert

He says, “Happiness is one of the best investments people can make, and in pursuit of it, it can be broken down into components to achieve it.” Tal Ben-Shaharexpert Harvard Positive Psychology.

Happiness begins when we recognize that we are “human” with mistakes.


According to Ben-Shahar People cannot reach our potential until we accept our shortcomings and mistakes. He even maintains it a routine to help to install And achieve goals Like going to the gym, or meditating.

But on the other hand, he says that to achieve HappinessThese goals should be divided into Small tasks This is done every day to turn it into a routine that creates well-being.

“Only when we surrender to life do we win the road to happiness”, The Harvard expert said.

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