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The legacy that a grandfather leaves for his grandchildren after feeling “disappointed” in them: ends in trial – Living Life

Overcoming grief is not an easy task, as one has to go through the endless emotions that usually lead to grief. So we have to take our time to process it and allow ourselves to realize that we are reaching the moment when You get over it completely and all these feelings remain in your memory.

And losing someone is never easy, especially when that person is someone close to you, like a grandparent. However, there are also people who do not have good relationships with their immediate family, and this leads to tough fights. It is very difficult to resolve this among family members. And if not then let us know The family is from the United Kingdom.

It turns out that everything was destroyed when the grandfather, Frederick, died. And if this is already difficult in itself, it is even more so when they realize the legacy he has left for everyone. And this grandfather, who was a soldier, He had an estate worth about 600,000 euros, so his grandchildren were expected to inherit at least 100,000 euros each.

However, when they opened the will, they realized that he had left them a total of 60 euros. The reason? That he was very “disappointed” with them. And all because, especially during the pandemic, he was hospitalized up to three times They never visited him or cared for him.

However, this was not enough for his descendants, who wanted to go to court to file a lawsuit for this inheritance. Happen Whatever the case, the court did not agree with them.Because he did it legitimately and the explanation he gave was that he was very disappointed with all of them.

Now, yes, they have to compromise Just over 60 euros for everyone.

La Linterna director Angel Expósito discusses with John Uriarte what conditions an Austrian millionaire has put in place to be eligible to receive part of his grandmother’s inheritance: a total of 25 million euros. A news that has come out in the last few hours and which has raised great hopes,Not only among the readers of the main digital newspapers, but also among the two COPE communicators.

“COPE is going to help this woman, in addition to extending a helping hand, we volunteer because we are best suited,” Expósito began the humorous segment of the program this Thursday, ‘I have seen the light’. The journalist joked, “To prove it, I have John Uriarte, who doesn’t care to dress as a Scotsman, a Lagartera or a Tyrolean.” While giving way to your partner.

“I have seen the light and I have entered into it, if it is to be gathered… If you and I do everything selflessly, we must pour ourselves into the cause of this poor woman, the blood of our blood, ” joked Uriarte, who introduced himself as the candidate who would receive the P25 million. “It makes me sad,” he sneered. And that woman, all night long, this is done become a millionaireAlthough she was already rich.

But who is this woman, Marlene Engelhorn, who is searching for candidates to inherit her grandmother’s millionaire inheritance? Uriarte explains that he is 31 years old and has a university degree but has never worked, “like many people,” jokes Expósito. Marlene runs the family chemical company and her grandmother has left her 25 million as inheritance. But what are the conditions for receiving the money?

Terms of inheriting 20 million

Thus, one of the communicators explained that he has sent 10,000 letters to Austrians over 16 years old who have been selected at random and among them, he is going to choose the lucky 50. Therefore, the main element to be able to receive the money is to be born or live in Austria. “It never took anyone this long to find an heir From the Marquis of Leguinche,” explained the director of La Linterna.

“Be careful, the Austrian grandmother had $4.2 billion, so someone has taken a big cut, someone in the family has kept the money,” says Uriarte, who emphasizes his relationship with the deceased’s granddaughter. “But Marlene, that’s her first cousin’s name, is not happy with so much money. “He says he’s looking for people who have a good and generous destination for their money.”

At that moment, Expósito joyfully shouted “Hum!” In response to being generous. “In fact, we are committed to remaining generous for the rest of our lives.”

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