The Ministry of Security sends the costs of the operation to Congress for Justice: it wants the detainees to pay more than 130 million pesos

The Ministry of Security demands that the detainees should bear operating costs of more than 130 million pesos

He Ministry of National Security This Friday he sent a detailed list to prosecutor Carlos Stornelli Operating Expenses The protests against the Basis Law were preceded by significant demonstrations in and around Congress last Wednesday, which were eventually approved in the Senate. The idea is that the detained protesters will have to bear costs of more than 130 million pesos,

This is explained in detail in the documents sent to Justice within the framework of the case in which Maria Servini is the judge How much did the Federal Police, National Gendarmerie and Navy Prefecture spend. So much so that in the report presented by PFA commissioner Gustavo Hernán Oviedo, it is clarified that in their list of expenses regarding police cell phones, “the consumption of fuel and other consumables included in it is considered, as well as the costs derived from insurance and maintenance.”

With respect to the same power, Costs incurred on the previous day were also included for the treatment of the Base Law, when a camp was deployed in the Plaza de los Dos Congresos.

35 protesters have been detained for the incidents in Congress (Photo: Jaime Olivos)

“If the expenses of the Federal Police, the National Gendarmerie and the Naval Prefecture are counted, the sum is: $130,706,982 (One hundred thirty million seven hundred six thousand nine hundred eighty-two pesos)“This includes the amount of $13,613,500 (thirteen million six hundred thirteen thousand five hundred pesos) reported by the Federal Police for damage to its vehicles and equipment,” the ministry said in a statement.

However, this figure will increase in the coming days. They plan to add the cost of treatment for injured agents during a clash with protesters.

35 people have been arrested for rioting in Congress

35 people were arrested this morning Riots and destruction This happened last Wednesday in the Congress region, amid protests over the vote on the Basis Law promoted by the government of Javier Miley, they began to investigate In the courts of Comodoro Pi Avenue, with the file in charge of judge María Romilda Cervini and prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, as confirmed by judicial sources.

Tomorrow, Stornelli accused them of crimes against public order, treason, and aggravated terrorist actions, In line with the proposal that had been publicly put forward by Security Minister Patricia Bullrich, who had given up filing a complaint regarding this allegation, Stornelli then requested his preventive detention.

According to official sources, 1,500 troops, including city police and personnel from four federal forces, took part in Wednesday’s operation. infobae, The operation involved spraying gases on deputies such as Carlos Castagneto, Eduardo Valdés and Leopoldo Moro. Eight police officers were injured, suffering minor injuries. Ten other people who participated in the protest were admitted to the guards of Buenos Aires hospitals such as Castagneto and Ramos Mejía due to keratitis caused by pepper spray or tonfas hits in their eyes. The head of the Buenos Aires government Jorge Macri estimated The cost of repairing the damage amounted to 278 million pesos.

Of the accused, 13 were arrested by the federal police and other federal forces, the other 22 were arrested by the Buenos Aires force. Arrested in flagrante delicto for a variety of offensesAccording to police sources during the protest hours. Lucas Ezequiel Balsamo and Dylan Gustavo Gomez, Both unemployed neighbors of Isidro Casanova in La Matanza, were arrested by the PFA for stealing metal items from a burned car. David SicaThe 33-year-old was, by his own account, homeless.

Cristian Fernando ValienteThe 41-year-old from Buenos Aires, a former employee of a Chinese supermarket, was hit with a can of anti-riot gas produced by Fabricaciones Militares. According to police sources, he had previously been arrested in Buenos Aires police stations for alleged robberies and narcotics possession.

Patricia Daniela Calarco Arredondo39 years old, registered address in Lavallo, Mar del Plata was an employee of the company Arrested for setting fire to a series of Buenos Aires government bicycles. It has not yet been revealed what crimes each of the detained people will be charged with: Stornelli’s proposal is known in general terms. At the moment, it is unknown whether the accused include Violent protesters set fire to Cadena 3’s journalist vehicle, Or if they were identified.

Juan Ignacio SpinettoArrested by city police, is a representative of the ADEMYS teaching union. “Immediate freedom for our union member and representative Juan Ignacio Spinetto. Stop oppressing those who fight,” the union wrote on its X Network account.

Sasha Jazmin Lardet, 24 years old, lives in Pilar, Nicolás Mayorga and Camila Juárez Oliva They are students of UNSAM, the National University of San Martín, as indicated by Carlos Greco, rector of the institution.

Mayorga, for example, is a political science student. Lardet is also part of the MST, which is part of the Left FrontWho issued a statement online demanding his release.

In his statement, prosecutor Stornelli ruled that the case “in some respects” warranted the analysis of actions and conduct Tendency to incite mass violence, potentially under organised form To impose one’s own views or to counter the views of others by force or intimidation, against institutions. To create public fear and chaos or disorder while establishing oneself. Potential rebellion against the constitutional order and the democratic path, For the purpose of disturbing and/or preventing, even temporarily, the free exercise of the constitutional powers of the representatives of the upper house of Congress that is in session.

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