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“There is fear, hope and a lot of hate”

The results of Sunday’s first round were clear: the extremists have won. French youth have never been so polarized, on both the left and the right. Only 9% of youth between 18 and 24 years voted for the CentreCompared to 48% for the New Popular Front (Left alliance) and 33% for national regroupmentAccording to Ipsos survey published by BFMTV.

Next Sunday’s second round will, in most constituencies, be a duel between the far left and the far right. “It both saddens and frightens me to see our country so divided. Whatever the results next Sunday, this will be a real disaster“, declares a 22-year-old student from Bordeaux to EL MUNDO. “I consider myself a centrist,” says a 24-year-old law student, “if we are sarcastically We have a choice between plague and cholera: either anti-Semitism on the left, or racism on the right. In my case, I will cast a blank vote, at least I will not give them any legitimacy,” he added.

However, it is only a minority who think so. For many, these elections are a cry of poverty on one side and hardship on the other.

As far as the young people of the New Popular Front are concerned, their opinion is clear, we can hear it in the streets with the slogans since the results of the European elections: “Fuck the fascists“. “There is a real challenge for the left to unite around a common goal: Stop the extreme right“Explains Timo Guillon, a journalism student in Paris, who also explains: “I’ve always considered myself a leftist, but not a soft leftist. The situation is serious, so it is necessary to promote radical leftismwhich seeks to make reforms through the ballot box. This new popular front gives me a lot of hope, it promotes unity more than division. After this first round, I think There is fear, there is hope, and there is also a lot of hatred,

MW, 21, says: “I hate everything about RN, yet a large portion of my family votes for it. They want to convince people through their beautiful communication that they are not a racist partybut it’s just a pile of lies.” Along these lines, 23-year-old entrepreneur Lucas Lescop declares: “Le Pen is the opposite of everything I think he stands for. Its roots are still felt today: 45% of its candidates have been accused of making racist, anti-Semitic or homophobic comments.and financially they are so far off the left, I don’t believe in gifts from heaven. But, let’s be clear, I’m not into this Melenchon has made completely inappropriate comments,

For another part of the population, Marine Le Pen is a symbol of hope.”With Bardella, we still have a chance to save France“,” assured a young man from Lille, ” it’s not the game it used to be, I vote RN and I don’t consider myself an extremist.“I just believe in the values ​​of the republic, which have been abandoned by these Islamist-leftists,” he explains.

,I am from the center but in the second round, even if I don’t agree with all the points, I would vote for Le Pen. “Today the far left is much more dangerous than the far right,” says one Parisian. For a part of Macron’s (some) voters, his total stance against the far right, thus siding with the far left, has been seen as “the ultimate betrayal.” According to Clarisse, 20, “It disappointed us.”

“The majority of French people voted for the RN, it’s not in vain, you can’t assume the majority of the population is dangerous or stupid,” this young woman explained.We must stop calling it tyranny, the French who voted for the RN are not racists or anything like that, we just want to recognize our country and maintain our values. That is, We are tired of insecurity and we are proud of the French Republic, I’m proud to be French, I don’t see anything wrong with it,” declared a young man from Toulouse.

,It’s too late for France, Bardella is like last hope“, keep going.

Both the RN and the Popular Front generate controversy.”This party (for the New Popular Front) reflects chronic schizophrenia, “Nothing in your program is practical and everything contradicts itself,” says a young man from Toulouse.This is extreme left anti-Semitism, all you have to do is look at their candidates, Many people have been condemned for this.” According to the IFOP survey, for 92% of Jews in France blame far-left for rise in anti-Semitism: “They call themselves an anti-racist party, but in reality They are simply trying to attract Islamist voters.At the expense of republican values ​​and all other religions,” declares a business student in Bordeaux. “With them, there is no freedom of expression, that’s what we call it Dictatorship of the LeftAnd honestly, we’re tired of your ‘politically correct’ bullshit,” one 25-year-old Parisian concluded.


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