Papois Nouvelle Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has been implicated in the murder of “anarchist” Jews after the deaths of 15 people in an overnight night of violence that unfolded in two houses as well as in the grand villages of du Pays. in the capital Port Moresby when a group of soldiers, police and prison guards protested against the government. “A night of chaos that quickly spreads 300 kilometers to the north, right in the city of Lae.” Royal Papuasi Nouvelle Guinea Police Commissioner David Manning confirmed today that 15 people were living in the country’s two main cities. Prime Minister James Marape presented his justification to the countries, saying the bombings “Anarchy” does not mean “pas tolérées”. “C’est votre pais autant que le mien. Enfreindre la loi ne permet pas d’obtenir objectifs”, at-il déclaré lors d’une conférence de presse. A propos According to Mr Marape, Mr Marape points out that in some areas of Port Moresby “the situation is already there”, but he admits that in some areas of Port Moresby “the situation is already there”. précipitant dans les magasins à travers les vitres brisées, mettant des Marchandises Volées in cardboard boxes, chariots of the supermarch and the sea in plastic. fumée noire qui planaient au-dessus des quartiers les plus touchesés de la ville. Un peu plus tôt, foule moins nombreuse s’était rassemblée devant le Bureau du Premier of the Minister in Port Moresby, arrahant une security barrier et arson de car Police at the station. Beijing is located on the territory of the Government of Papuasia New Guinea, in the information center “Lesquel-les-Emutiers”, which is in the center of the city, where the enterprises in China are located. Chinese Embassy in Papuasia. -New Guinea is indiqué dans un communique qu'”some noun from the Chinese shops ont été Pilles”. “Aucun décès de ressortissant chinois n’a été signalé jusqu’à present”, but “plusieurs ont toutefois été légèrement blessés”, at-elle ajouté. – Gerry Matthew, 30, a resident of Port Moresby, told AFP during émeutes faisaient rage mercredi soir. – “Jour le plus sombre” – The governor of the region covering the capital, Powes Parkop, assesses that Les Problems represent a “level of conflict without precedent” in Port Moresby, as well as the Post Courier, a local newspaper, as talking about “grim day” in the city. “This is what is most important, this is that” Nous devons Mettre fin à ce conflit,” insisted M. Parkop on the local radio station Mercredi Soir, sympathizing with the fact that “a person does not sort out such civil problems.” The security forces ont organized a manifestation within the country. The Parliament of Papuasie Nouvelle Guinea, after review, confirmed the basis for the book without explanation. Bien que le gouvernement ait fastement promis de corriger ce qu’il a decrit comme un “problem Technique”, cela n’a pas suffi à empecher Les civilians are in turmoil. This explosion of violence was met with coverage of the instability of life in Papuasia New Guinea, a country where poverty and high crime rates are rampant. Located surrounded by 200 kilometers around the world. north of Australia, Papuasi Nouvelle Guinea is the state with the largest and largest population of Melanesia. Well, it is blessed with huge reserves of gas, gold and mineral resources, defense groups droits humanins estiment que pres de 40% de ses neuf millions The people of Australia live an encore to combat the arms trade, drug smuggling and tribal violence.
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