These are the best places to see the northern lights in Spain in 2024.

Less than three weeks have passed since the last solar storm created an unusual effect in Spain: Northern Lights sightings. For many Spaniards, seeing these phenomena in our country it was an unforgettable experiencefor it is one of the most extraordinary atmospheric phenomena that man can contemplate.

In fact, according to the Canadian Space Agency, these phenomena “occur when charged particles (electrons and protons) collide with gases in the Earth’s upper atmosphere.. These collisions produce small flashes that fill the sky with colorful light. As billions of flashes occur in succession, Auroras appear to move or “dance” in the sky.“Hence it is so rare that they have been seen in Spain since They can usually be seen in countries located in the northern in Alaska, Canada, Finland, Iceland, Greenland or Sweden.

Where is the best place to see the northern lights in Spain this year?

Solar physicist at the National Solar Observatory, A few weeks ago, Ryan French already assured that northern lights in Spain will be a common occurrence throughout 2024., since the sunspot “will align very well with our planet.” For this reason, the magazine elPeriódico “Viajar” madeA selection of three places where you can best enjoy this natural spectacle in our country:

1. Peaks of Europe– Provide a spectacular backdrop for viewing the Northern Lights surrounded by snow-capped peaks.

2. Asturian coast: See this light show between vertiginous cliffs and pristine beaches.

3. Sierra de Guadarrama: between mountain deciduous forests.

The best images of the Northern Lights in Spain

It’s been less than a month since we were able to enjoy the northern lights in our country and hence this a selection of the best images of that moment and this we will probably be able to see again in a short time.

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