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They are going to study an object that will only build a civilization more advanced than ours – Teach me science

SOURCE: El Español

Humanity has an insatiable thirst for knowledgealways look for a way to create or manipulate something in searching for signs of intelligent life. Generally these missionsAstronomers have turned their attention to a structure that could give us an idea that there are civilizations much more advanced than ours, theoretical structures with a very good basis that could become the hallmark of a civilization technologically advanced into the Milky Way.

Idea Dyson spheres It’s a little risky I think it exists, but it provides a solid foundation. Think about a megastructure capable of enveloping an entire star, capturing and harnessing all of its energy, the materials and technology that did this are superior to almost anything we know on Earth. Only one civilization who reached progress level unimaginable technological forces could conceive and build such a miracle. This concept, proposed by physicist Freeman Dyson in The 1960s inspired generations of scientists, and by the looks of it, we can’t stop testing the theory behind its existence.

Project Hephaestus

Now, in the 21st century, equipment international researchers developed an ambitious project known as Project Hephaestusin honor of the Greek god fire and metallurgy. Its goal is to search for possible signs of spheres Dyson represented in astronomical data sets collected by various missions and exploration including Gaia, 2MASS and WISE.

The process is complex and painstaking. Astronomers use advanced algorithms and techniques to analyze millions of astronomical objects for patterns that may indicate the presence of these megastructures.. However, the task is far from simple. Many natural phenomena such as dust rings circumstellar stars and nebulaecan produce signatures similar to those one would expect from Dyson sphere. This is a fairly lengthy process, as it is a sea of ​​data that will take us years to complete. explain, but it’s not impossible.

SOURCE: Republic

For this a specialized process for filtering this astronomical data looks for anomalous signals. This process, known as “pipeline”“, focuses on detecting sources that exhibit excess infrared radiation that cannot be explained by known natural causes.

Once potential candidates have been identified, the team conducts additional analysistaking into account factors such as H-alpha emission, optical variability and astrometry. A more detailed examination allows us to compile a list candidates to a more manageable number.

Belonging millions of source objects analyzedonly seven candidates successfully completed this process choice. These seven objects exhibited clear mid-infrared radiationwithout obvious signs of contamination or clear origin of this radiation.

However, the researchers recognize that these seven candidates are still just candidates. They acknowledge that there may be other explanations for the observed excess infrared radiation., for example, the presence of debris disks around these stars. Although the stars associated with these candidates seem to be type Mand debris disks around these types of stars are rare, Research shows there may be different types of discs debris, which has not yet been observed in relation to M. dwarfs. We don’t have good data, but we’re starting somewhere. The original study was published in the journal Universe Today.

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