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This is how Israel is losing its war

In the midst of so much bloodshed and barbarism, it is comforting to see that Israel is losing its war. As you listen, the people who laugh on TikTok while bombing residential buildings and hospitals are being defeated. And it’s not about armies. If the victory of the almighty Israel had been through the simple use of brute force, the population of Palestinians decades ago would have resembled the Iberian lynx, and Gaza and the West Bank would have been one big residential area of ​​garden chalets decorated with the Star of David. It is not so. Every prime minister in Israel’s history, up to Netanyahu, has made it clear that victory requires being able to combine the persistent occupation of territory and violation of human rights with excellent care of diplomatic relations and public opinion. It is no coincidence that Israel is the world leader in propaganda spending. But Netanyahu has decided to disdain the traditional formula and stake everything on the creation of a new dystopian scenario in which Israel’s divine right to massacre Palestine at will is understood as natural. Meanwhile allies will applaud or remain silent if it doesn’t happen. That’s not happening.

According to Israel’s paranoid government, Norway, Ireland and now Spain have joined the list of terrorism-friendly countries. a badge, that terrorism-friendlywhose price is already as low as a place recommended by TripAdvisor. Who doesn’t have that sticker? There are already twenty countries in Europe that hate Jews simply for being Jews according to Israeli propaganda – which dead child are you talking about? If we look at the world map, 145 of the 193 countries of the United Nations are already affected by hatred of Jews, 145 countries are seeking to recognize the Palestinian state. That is 75% of the countries in the world, three out of every four. Speaking of anti-Semitism – which hospital was bombed – the International Criminal Court, inspired by the International Court of Justice established in 1945 to judge the Nazi genocide against the Jews, is also anti-Semitic after requesting the arrest of Netanyahu and his right-hand man Galant for crimes against humanity – “They are human animals”. This is not surprising. Keep in mind that there are hundreds of Jewish organizations criticizing the mass murder of 35,000 Palestinians who are also considered anti-Semitic by the psychopaths in charge of Israel right now. There is no greater sign of defeat than the giant propaganda machine screaming madly that the whole world, including most of the Jewish world, hates them for being Jews. Look, another Palestinian kid being tossed into the air.

By the Israeli government’s parameters it is difficult not to be anti-Semitic today. Almost impossible. If we put a magnifying glass on Spain, the last member state of 75% of the world’s terrorist countries, in favor of democracy and freedom, we find only Francoists happy with the massacre of dark-skinned children, Nazis of all stripes and Aznar who has its classic successes – Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, 11M was ETA – adding today that when Israel bombs a hospital it is practicing freedom and the fight against terrorism. Aznar would never lie to you.

The defeated Israel, which intended to carry out the genocide without affecting its international alliances, has managed to divide the diplomatic community into three parts. On one side are those who point to obvious barbarity; On the other hand, the moral degradation of Aznares and Milesis; And at number three are those partners who remain silent with their nose pressed. As is the case with Spain, the balance of this third group is gradually tilting toward Palestine, giving us some indication of the dimensions of Netanyahu’s side’s defeat. This is a major defeat considering that Israel has a North American safe passage that allows it to pass through three cities and the West assures that it is only through half. The tact with which the West dealt with the genocidal state makes its defeat all the more heavy. Spain is a good example. In recent months, Israel has summoned its ambassador to Madrid for consultations on several occasions. He did so following statements by Pedro Sánchez in which the Spanish President expressed doubts about whether Israeli actions in Gaza respect international law. Doubt? Sánchez had doubts about the certainty of thousands of murdered Palestinian children, who should have been a cause for tribute and had a street named after them in the greater area of ​​Jerusalem, but Israeli hysterics led to outrage and calls for consultation with their ambassador. Crystallized with. in Madrid . What can we say then about the chapter in which Minister Belara, with better visual abilities than Sanchez, talked about war crimes? And the ambassador, having his suitcase opened, was once again called for consultation.

After this Israel accused Spain of being involved in terrorism. This allegation is so serious that its proportionate response should have been the immediate expulsion of the Israeli ambassador and breaking of diplomatic relations. However, the Spanish response was to do nothing. On May 28, Spain, Ireland and Norway would recognize the existence of Palestine years late. The humiliation of Israel because of the false accusations and murders of 35,000 innocent people, which threatened to break relations with Spain, not the other way around, can be consoled only by seeing how its war, its massacres, its massacres would have harmed Is. On them. They will be able to wear a medal for the thousands of lives taken and destruction caused throughout their lives. But today the world holds the Palestinian flag stronger than ever and the memory of the barbarity will endure for generations. There is no bigger defeat than this for Israel.

Amidst so much bloodshed and barbarity, it is reassuring to see that Israel is losing its war. As you are hearing, the people who laugh on TikTok while bombing residential buildings and hospitals are losing. And this is not about armies. If the victory of Almighty Israel came by simple use…

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