He Euro today Operates on -without taxes- $954.00 For purchase and $1024.00 For sale, according to Banco Nacional.
See how much the official euro and the blue euro trade for.
He Euro today Operates on -without taxes- $954.00 For purchase and $1024.00 For sale, according to Banco Nacional.
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In relation to the price on the black currency market, analogous to the blue dollar Parallel Euro is trading at $1326.00 for buying and $1359.00 for selling. According to the caves surveyed by Limit,
Countries that use the European currency The currencies are: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands and Portugal.
In the official exchange market, The wholesale dollar rose 50 cents to $899.
He Blue Dollar operates For sale at $1,250According to a survey of Limit in the caves of City,
He MEP Dollars Quotes on $1,291.61, Therefore, the difference with the officer reduces to 43.67%.
He Dollar cash with settlement ,CCL) To $1,322.77 And this Spread According to the official it is at 47.14%.
He Dollar card or tourist cardAnd this Saving Dollars (one of two Hamdard) closed unchanged at $1,466.40.
He crypto dollar or bitcoin dollar It works on $1,282.55According to Bitso,
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