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Trump confirmed he would “encourage” Russia to do “whatever it wants” with NATO allies that don’t pay for defense. international

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States, has said that he would “encourage” Russia to do “whatever it wants to do” against any NATO country that, in his opinion, is a collective Does not spend enough on defence. , His comments have sparked concern and condemnation among allies who are still very aware of the threats against the alliance, and are calling on its members to increase their contributions, which the then-President has done several times during his tenure. Had increased times. In Brussels, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg accused them, without naming them, of “undermining the security” of those countries.

In statements made during a rally in South Carolina, Trump referred to an alleged conversation he had during his presidency (2017–2021) with the leader of a “great country” in NATO, who asked him if they would not pay. What will happen if they do and Russia attacks them? , “I said: ‘Don’t they pay? What are the creditors? No, I’m not going to protect them. In fact, I’m going to encourage them (Russia) to do whatever they want. Am. They have to pay. “They have to pay their bills.”

During his meeting with voters in South Carolina, ahead of primaries in that state that could seal Trump’s designation as the official Republican candidate in the November elections, the former president – always a critic of the alliance – and Russian President Vladimir Putin Treated Putin warmly. – He expanded his criticisms against NATO. “By the time I came, (the institution) was on the back foot,” he said, and recalled that during his tenure he had made it clear to member states that “everyone has to pay.”

Trump’s comments have thrown the alliance into a US election campaign filled with hostility. And they have reopened uncertainty about the future of a key institution in post-war transatlantic relations in Europe, if the real estate giant returns to the White House, and how reliable the United States can be as a partner. . The Republican candidate has promised that if he is re-elected president he will “fundamental reevaluate” the “purpose and mission” of NATO. Something that particularly concerns Russia’s neighboring European countries: Finland, Poland and the Baltic states Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

“Any suggestion that NATO allies will not defend each other would undermine the entire security of the alliance and put American and European troops at risk,” Stoltenberg said in a statement. The Norwegian diplomat concluded, “Any attack on NATO will be met with a united and forceful response.” In Warsaw, the Polish Defense Minister, Władysław Kosyniak-Kamycz, warned on social networks that “no electoral campaign is worth playing with the security of the coalition.” “NATO’s motto ‘All for one, one for all’ is a solid commitment,” he recalled.

2% of GDP spent on defense

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Trump’s words come right in the middle of a debate in the coalition about the percentage allies should devote to defense, in line with Wales’ commitment – in 2014 – to 2% of GDP. The allies agreed to move forward at the Vilnius (Lithuania) summit last July. For example, Stoltenberg reiterates that the figure should be the floor, not the ceiling. However, only some of its 31 allies (Finland was the last to join in April 2023) devoted 2%, although spending has increased following Russia’s war against Ukraine.

For example, Spain devotes 1.3% of GDP to military spending and plans to reach 2% in 2029. Meanwhile, it devotes 29% to investment in capabilities (the agreement in Wales is 20%) and makes a substantial contribution to missions, diplomatic sources. explain. All are in debate as to whether the contribution to allied security should be measured more clearly and publicly by pointing to different variables. Defense spending amid warnings from European leaders about the protracted war in Ukraine and the Russian threat – some like Belgium have even talked about returning to the reservation system – defense spending debated during a meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels on Thursday Will happen. There is no doubt that it will be marked by Trump’s new harsh tone.

The former president spoke even as U.S. aid to Ukraine, which the country urgently needs to try to stop Russian aggression, has been stuck in Congress for months in Washington. The Senate is trying to approve an extraordinary budget item that includes $61 billion for its ally, and a technical vote on the matter is scheduled for this Sunday. Even if the upper house greenlights the bill, it is unknown what the House of Representatives will do, where the refusal of Republican legislators to devote more money to that war is far greater. Trump, who maintains strong control over his party in Congress, has repeatedly declared himself opposed to continued aid to Kiev.

Some NATO members have expressed fear that if the United States turns its back on its ally, having promised “to help in whatever way, as long as necessary”, Putin would be tempted to attack other countries after Ukraine. Will be encouraged to.

The Biden administration has in recent weeks stepped up its pressure on Congress and its contacts with allies to try to provide aid to the invaded country. On Friday the US president met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz at the White House, with whom he agreed to maintain support for Kiev. A week earlier, Stoltenberg himself had traveled to Washington.

A week ago, Biden, who met with leaders of both parties in Congress in January to press for these funds, appeared on camera to demand that legislators approve the aid item.

Since his inauguration in 2021, the US President has sought to provide guarantees to NATO about the US’s commitment to the institution. Last month he signed a new defense law that prevents any president from ordering a unilateral departure from the alliance.

In a statement, the White House strongly criticized Trump’s comments: “Encouraging a murderous regime to attack our closest allies is reprehensible and deranged. “This threatens the national security of the United States, global stability, and our economy,” spokesman Andrew Bates said.

Trump’s statements introduce a new factor in the disputed US elections, where immigrants from Russia’s neighboring European states hold enough specific weight to decide the outcome in several key states. digital political Remember that Biden won Pennsylvania in 2020 by 82,116 votes, 1.18%, and the Polish, Finnish and Baltic population there totals 900,000. Same as Michigan, where the President won by 154,181 votes, 2.78%. In Wisconsin, where Democrats won by 20,682 votes, or 0.63%, they represent half a million.

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