Categories: Entertainment

“Une fois qu’on a Fait une Comedie Musice, il pas de retour en arrière is could be”: Jon Chu talks about the scenes of Wicked

Enfourchez vos balais! Director Oz previews the group’s film starring Cynthia Erivo, Ariana Grande, Michelle Yeoh, Jeff Goldblum and Jonathan Bailey.

After that I collaborated with Lin-Manuel Miranda south D’où l’on the wind (On high on VO), Jon Chuthere you go Crazy Rich Asians, Incredibles 2 you’re doing an encore GI Joe: Conspiracy, is attacked by another musical comedy. Voice Wickedadapted from a play created in 2003, “Louis-meme Dash” from the novel Gregory Maguire.

If the premiere teaser is presented Cynthia Erivo and etc. Ariana Grande, in the respective roles of Elphaba (la mechante sorcière de l’Ouest) and de Glinda, the group’s new announcement allows us to gauge the scale of this new Universal production. Rythmées by notes “Popular” and etc. “Defying gravity”two-plus trumpets of a musical comedy written by Stephen Schwartzces new images nous plongent dans l’univers merveilleux d’Oz vu par Jon Chu. Implementer at a time when we discuss culinary masterpieces from films, plus a visit to the year.

Premiere teaser for the musical comedy Wicked with Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande

Trailer Wicked Est bientôt là. Pas-trop-de-stress?
Yeah! C’était notre secret depuis depuis plusieurs années. While working on the pour mettre au point ce project, I was impatient for people to make decorations.

I compared aux Etats-Unis, la France with the culture of musical comedy. Comment définiriez-vous Wicked ?
The whole part The Wizard of Oz. Wicked telling the story of Efalba, the sorceress of the West. This is son “origin story” comment elle est devenue qui elle est. In a dramatic coup, you discover that Glinda, a gentle sorceress, and Efalba are friends. The film offers a new perspective so you can recognize comments that have changed over time and comments that influence everything our seniors know about the story.

Wicked It’s an old snake from Hollywood. The film is in project after the next…
I have many chances. I saw the play in San Francisco when it was being filmed, before it came to Broadway. J’étais en première année de fac et, à l’époque, je m’étais dit que ça pourrait faire un extraordinaire. I know which people-implementers worked on this adaptation. Since I made my premiere film studio, I have rethought this idea. More c’était trop thick pour me. Jusqu’au moment où, il ya quelques années, après Crazy Rich Asians and etc. On high, in anticipation of a coup d’etat. Please note that COVID is pending and I have asked for an ongoing project to be implemented. Wicked ! When it becomes clear, it seems that the sky appears and this is the very moment. Definitely – y compris ma mère – vous diraient que c’est le destin.

Screen Capture/Youtube

What are the difficulties of this adaptation?
It is extremely difficult to transfer a scene to a cinema. The scene is very respected. Using the example of playing in public, contrairement à un Film. He did his best to solve all these problems of adaptation and overcome the difficulties that arose in history. And then you can find two main roles. It is then that the film, which became concrete, involves Ariana (Grande) and Cynthia (Erivo). Leur alchimie est réelle, les ne se naissaient pas et maintenant, les sont totalement fusionnelles.

Justement, comment on the casting?
Au début, je ne voulais pandre d’artistes continues. At the beginning of the audition fair and, well, the whole world voulait l’un of the two main roles. But I persist in the thinker who is lacking in the search for inconsistencies. And then it was time to admit that these roles were very difficult. He fell on the main vocal song. And the two actresses accidentally created real alchemy. Summary: A summary of what it takes to avoid being kissed by the pros. At the auditions, Cynthia prepared herself to find what she had to make formidable, but most of all I didn’t want her to suggest Elphaba. Elle est arrivée, a chanté et nous a transpercé le cœur. Sa voix est un don de Dieu, elle vous touchuche immédiatement, profondément.

And for Ariana Grande?
She chose a role that would have been impossible. Moreover, at this stage of listening, the person is the most interesting part of the piece. This discovery, from a certain style, it seems, I did not think that the people had left the audience in the genre of the performance. She is the most complete in her role. J’avais kisses the factor “ozien”, I was kissed by an actress who was in another world. And Ariana is in another world!

Universal pictures

In conversations about another world, in the vision of an advertisement strip, under the impression that sometimes you believe in a fantasy world in échelle du Señor de Lanno oh de Harry Potter.
The Wizard of Oz They occupy three important places both in our university and in our culture. Beaucoup de gens se sont parés d’Oz au fil des ans… Et il Fallait Rereer ça. At times I had the impression that he had fallen into a new world, and I felt that the feelings he professed were in the past. By definition, a book is all that is needed, a project, words and ideas. In the original film c’est du matte painting. You can use modern techniques and make this dive. Chef/Decorator Nathan Crowley, who worked in the South. Wonka and etc. Dogma, this is an extraordinary phenomenon: il créé cet univers à de rien. With him is Paul Tazewell, who was responsible for the costumes, as well as all the hairdressing and barbering equipment, in an imaginary world involving children. But this world is in a series of muter, grandir, and sa vraie natural begins à se devoiler. Very good.

Comment avez-vous mi cela en œuvre ?
About the construction of the nameux scenery during. on I indicated Great train, I planted millions of new tulips, we have no choice in color. Sur les tulipes, un détail amusant: nous n’avons eu que two weeks for a stage tour that was for us avons su qu’elles fleurissaient. L’école, l’eau, les bateaux qui arent… tout cela est reel. He can enter the decor de Chize (l’école d’Ephalba et Glinda, ndlr), pass through the Ville d’Emerald, enter the salon and buy a boutique sur laquel il il y avait étiquette ozienne. We have assembled a team of magical people who can talk and talk. All this is true. After that, of course, ILM will help us with the special effects. Ils ont notamment imagine les singes volants. Je voulais que Oz is a physical, tactile world that is part of our imagination.

sexy dance 2 and etc. 3, Jem and the Holograms On high…Que ce soit à travers le chant ou la danse, your films are part of the music. Qu’est-ce que vous y puisez?
(Laughs) I don’t talk about that. To be honest, this is not conscious clothing. I am a large ensemble of musicians and dancers. I played the claquets, the piano, the batteries, the saxophone and the violin, but most of all I was in these domains. I see pointe blinds for people who are talented. Ils expriment des chooses que j’aimerais bien pouvoir exprimer. So I’m playing with you. And I thought this collaboration worked very well because I know it’s a camera; What I’m saying is an image picker. It is an international language that every person in the world can understand. Et puis, c’est amusant: une fois qu’on a fait une comédie musice, il’y a pas de retour en arrière, c’est trop cool à faire.

Wicked sorting in cinema on November 27th. Voice the movie announcement to the gang:

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