Categories: Health

Vitamin D: benefits and tips for getting it while sunbathing

It is widely known that sunbathing is important for getting Vitamin D. But do you know what its benefits are for the body and, moreover, how to get enough of this nutrient to stay healthy? To resolve these doubts, at Showroom we consulted with nutritionist Cristina Morillo from BluaU de Sanitasso that you know the basic aspects of vitamin D.

What is vitamin D and what is it for?

According to nutritionist Christina Morillo, vitamin D, which is a fat-soluble nutrient, has three important functions in the body:

  • Makes it easier absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestinean important process for maintaining the strength of bones and teeth
  • Hold healthy immune system and therefore reduces the risk of infections and autoimmune diseases
  • Promotes proper muscle functionas it helps prevent muscle weakness and falls, especially in older people.
Properties of vitamin D.Unsplash

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Exactly, one vitamin D deficiency in the body this can cause problems that the Sanitas nutritionist warns about, such as:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle pain
  • Increased risk of falls (especially in older adults).
  • Susceptibility to infections and autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, etc.)
Diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency.Unsplash

Vitamin D deficiency in men

Moreover, in recent years, the influence vitamin D for male fertility. To resolve this issue, we consulted Miguel Angel Rodriguez Cabello, urologist at the Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospitalwhich confirmed that “a systematic review found a positive association between vitamin D levels and sperm qualityincluding sperm motility and morphology. This is because the nutrient in question helps “increase intracellular calcium levels,” which is crucial in this regard.

On the other hand, Dr. Rodriguez Cabello emphasizes that “vitamin D may be associated with testosterone production“, which is important for male reproductive function. This means that men with sufficient levels of vitamin D have higher levels of testosterone and, therefore, “potential improvement in fertility”.

Causes of low vitamin D levels.Unsplash

Where is vitamin D found and how to take it?

It’s not a lie when they recommend it sunbathe to get vitamin D, as the skin synthesizes it when we are exposed to UVB rays. So this is the main source of getting it. However, as a Sanitas specialist points out, vitamin D is also found “in fatty fishsuch as salmon, tuna and mackerel, as well as in fortified foodsamong which “milk, orange juice and cereal” stand out.

Therefore, logically, the summer months are the best time to get vitamin D, since Spain has “long days and high intensity sunlight, which promotes the production of vitamin D in human skin,” Morillo says. Of course, we must take into account factors such as time of day, amount of exposed skinHe skin tone And geographical position

As an example, the nutritionist explains that “people with darker skin may need more time in the sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D as people with lighter skin.” In particular, this Recommended time to spend in the sun in Spain in spring, summer and early autumn:

  • Light-skinned people: 10-15 minutes two to three times a week
  • Black people: up to 30 minutes or more, since the melanin in the skin acts as a natural filter for UVB rays.

Finally, Morillo clarifies that ideally this exposure should be carried out “during the hours when UVB rays are most intense, usually from 10:00 to 16:00″.

How much vitamin D do you need per day?Unsplash

Using sunscreen

It is important to remember the need to use Solar protection when exposed to UV rays. ABOUT, Cristina Villegas, Head of the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital of Sanitas La Moralejawarns that “if we are exposed to the sun without sun protection, especially during the middle of the day, we may suffer sun damage.” This includes, the specialist comments, from burns to skin cancerbut also “premature aging of the skin and the early appearance of wrinkles and sun spots.”

But contrary to what one might think, Dr. Villegas explains that “using sunscreen when we are exposed to the sun has no significant effect on vitamin D levels you can get there within a day.” Thus, it is important to use sunscreen when tanning to reap the benefits and prevent problems associated with this activity.

Sun vitamin.Unsplash

Vitamin D supplement

In the event that a healthcare professional detects a vitamin D deficiency or to ensure that vitamin D levels are maintained during periods of low solar activity, there are various alternatives to obtain it. For example, with fortified foodssuch as milk or certain cereals, or as a result of exposure artificial ultraviolet light under medical supervision.

The third option, even more practical, is to take vitamin D supplements, such as the WeightWorld brand. Each serving of this vitamin provides 4000IU, which is equivalent to the recommended daily intake of this nutrient. Bottle includes 400 microtablets Vitamin D3, more than enough to last a year or share with your family. Composition suitable for Vegetarians, Celiacs and Keto Diets. Its formula naturalno chemicals or additives, tablets easy to swallow.

Tablets to increase vitamin D.

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*All prices included in this article are updated as of June 27, 2024.

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