Sur le Marché de la Beauté, la Diversité ne manque pas! The regulation of new brands enriches the offer of existence. More toutes ne se valences pas dans le heart des beautystas…After I start the last sketch, Cosmeticize Vient de devoiler le nom de la marque la más popular in the world in 2023/2024.
If the pros and cons of celebrities go out on the street, strength becomes a statement that success in dating. This will be the case in 2022/2023 Florence Mills, captioned Millie Bobby Brown, who is at the top of the list of favorites. Le classement a été bousculé et c’est maintenant une autre star qui voit la Popularité de sa cosmetic brand s’envoler…
Actually, Rare beauty, by Selena Gomez, is designed with the most fashionable moments in mind! Il faut dire que la chanteuse et actress n’a rien laisse au hasard depuis sa creation en 2020. Absolument viraux sur TIK Takmakeup products and soin de l’enseigne cumulent desmillions, voire desmillards, de vues.
Année 2024 just debuted Rare beautysuite with a spear from the entire premiere collection Soins pour le Corps, intitulée Find comfort. Between an anti-stress eau de parfum, an ultra-cocooning cream, a decompressive aromatherapy style, or an encore moisturizer for basic nourishment, Selena Gomez offers a new definition of au bien-être.
Photo credit: Instagram / @selenagomez
In addition, for an encore, Selena Gomez became a real sensation in the announcement of a new exit, which all beauty addicts s’arrachent desormais: le Soft powder blush Pinch. À mi-chemin between two of the brand’s bestsellers – Liquide Soft blush Pinch and highlighter Positive light silky touch – this ultra-pigmented pépite a vraiment all pour plaire!
Selena Gomez, destined to surprise her fans, is allée encore plus lumbar lançante… a game for our favorite friends! Yes, yes, vous avez bien lu. Essentially, the brand’s two products are liquid blush. Soft pinch and etc. Perfect Stokes Volumizing Mascara – ont été turned into XXL size soft toys for us four friends.
photo credit: Rare Beauty
Ainsi, Selena Gomez and other people are unerring towards animals. Seems Rare beautyce n’est pas seulement une populaire, c’est also le porte-étendard de valeurs fortes depuis la première heure! Santé mentale, movement body positiveevokes humanists… The American star is considered a true icon among young people.
Photo credit: Instagram / @selenagomez
D’Ailers, 1% of revenue Rare beauty facing directly to the foundation Rare Impact Foundation. It’s okay that the brand’s involvement, even the fact that its name products use quality, delights them. beautystas du monde entier. A prosperous union thanks to quelle Rare beauty Considered the most popular brand of 2023/2024!
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