Categories: Entertainment

What are “surprise songs” and what is “The Tortured Poets Department”?

les “swifties” comptent les jours… et peut-être même les heures, les Minutes and les Seconds! Taylor Swift will tour Europe as part of her monumental The Eras Tour, with four premiere concerts taking place in Paris from May 9 to 12 at La Défense. More questions for fans of the biggest pop star of our time: va-t-elle maintenir les “surprise song” ? Et surtout, sous quelle forme? Décryptage d’un phénomène, qui en dit long sur la folie qui entoure la chanteuse et ses scéniques.

Before entering the life of fate, The Eras Tour will not bring benefits that will bring in 2 billion dollars, and will take place the last tour of Elton John’s career, given that it remains the same most profitable of all time. At these monumental concerts, “American 34-year-old interpretation plus quarantine in warehouses”, revenant sur l’intégralité de sa carrière… démarrée il ya déjà vingt ans.

A LYRE AUSSIE Box office, success, Grammy awards… “Full images of the phenomenal Taylor Swift”Là où les artists and groups played their compositions as bon leur semble sur scène, these are the titles that are interpreted in the album by album, ère par ère, called “Eras”. All discs are created by Taylor Swift, his prime minister, the country itself, the unfulfilled party of the performance. Ce qui ne veut pas dire qu’elle n’en jouera pas un extrait pour autant.

A privileged moment with the audience

This is an interview with “surprise songs”, surprise songs in good French style, fun for the last quarter of the concert. “That’s what happened after a few major tours: Every moment he gives his fans an acoustic moment,” explains Morgan Giuliani, a big fan and expert on the singers.

@katherinezaino This feeling >>> #SwiftTok #swiftie #taylorswift ♬ original sound – Katherine

“At this moment, he does not know what chanson is, he will be voir, ce sont généralement des morceaux plus rares, qu’elle ne chante plus depuis longtemps. There he goes with a guitar or piano. Since these are privileged moments, there is no need for the rapper to benefit from the audience and connoisseurs of love for the stage. C’est la loterie mais c’est assez excitant”, jubile l’autrice de Taylor Swift: rebel becomes icon*. This is egalement l’occasion, pour celle qui compose all ce qu’elle interprète, de faire monter, de temps en temps, des invités sur scène. You can also find out about new releases such as a music video, album release or limited vinyl release.

It felt like we were sending messages.Morgan Giuliani, writer and big fan of Taylor Swift

Depending on what you play, fans have a variety of activities to choose from. “I’m under the impression that we sent messages,” expand the message. “De manière générale, sa musique, c’est vraiment des Zooms sur des moments très particuliers de sa vie, quand elle joue tel morceau, on peut y voir un index, une façon de dire: “Et bien là, en ce moment, je me sens comme ci, comme ça, etc.” I thought it also fueled parasocial relationships. »

Excel Spreadsheets, Paris, Application…

At the start of the “Eras Tour” on March 17, 2023 in Glendale, Arizona, the artists made a rule: there would never again be two surprise meme pendants, which are unique to American stadiums. Un Prince que a mis en ébullition ses fidèles. After the date, some of them are loaded with a repertoire of all the songs dedicated to the occasion, and Celles qui ne l’ont pas encore été. Excel spreadsheets are also designed to summarize all the most valuable tools. From Paris to étéorganisés… And même une application, payante, été lancee.

Avec “Swift Alert” is the name – you can get a direct notification by phone when surprise tunes are known to be in the moment of play, but it doesn’t matter if they are found on the planet. To open the application, send the user direct access to the concert on YouTube or TikTok, add a plus or again by law for spectators at the show. Millions of fans are connected, heard and changed.

« C’est le 1.99 euros le mieux dépensé de ma vie, rigole Emilie, “fastie” depuis plus de dix ans. At this point, we’ve reached the point where the drums are chosen when there are no steps or people playing on stage. This is another eye-catching surprise that looks cool and is a real game opener that you play with prime notes. »

Une petite activité qui comporte un riske: tomber sur un morceau qu’Emilie et ses proches esperaient, lors des nombreux concerts auxquels ils vont helper partout en Europe dans les mois à comer. The fan should scout to avoid touching your items. “Quand une chanson qu’on aime trop a été jouée, on dit “j’ai perdu tel titre””, explains la Passionnée, qui ne s’est toujours pas remise que Taylor Swift ait choisi Singapour et non pas Paris pour interpréter ” Mirrorball,” one of his favorite ballads.

More than anything else: there are “surprise songs” that a person does not know. “Au Japon, ils n’ont pas été gâtés, for example, with an unclear choice…”, commente la trentenaire, qui a des billets pour three out of four Parisian dates.

Taylor Swift, who decided to become a revolutionary, performs “surprise songs”

So what did you visit in Paris? In its 2024 debut, “Taytay” – as it is called – is a remis les compteurs à zéro for the famous “surprise songs”. A revolution that happened elsewhere: a fruitful revolution that has everything you need to survive, plus souple-sur-la-glory, rules that have been impressed.

“I’m reflected, I’m an Australian creative who probably uses my acoustics. Je ne veux rien limiter et je ne veux plus, I’ll just say to myself: “Oh, si j’ai déjà joué une une une une je ne peux plus la rejouer.” Donc à de maintenant, je ne veux plus enlever de couleurs de ma Palette de peinture”, at-elle fait savoir à son public le 18 fevrier dernier, in Melbourne. Or, after this announcement, aucun des 34 morceaux interpret debut de l’année n’a été joué deux fois.

“Paris”, “Start Again”

If the rest of the audience is surprised, then there is a certain logic in this too. “On April 29, the date mentioned in one of his chansons, he played “High Infidelity.” This time the whole world turned into allait la faire, and that’s exactly what happened,” Emily recalls. Suivant ce raisonnement, she, like Morgana, is sure that her idol offers “Paris”, continuing in the album midnightbut also “Begin Again”, not a video for a tour through the streets of the capital, at Parisian concerts.

Reste une inconnue, et pas des moindres: the essence Department of Martyred Poets, the latest album from L’Américaine, sorti il ​​ya quelques jours à peine? In a teasing video of the star, who had to come to Paris today, she will again watch the stage, on which the initials of the album are clearly visible. Il n’en faut pas plus pour convaincre les devots que “TTPD” for concerts prochains party…

Taylor Swift Adds “Is” To Her Hottest Songs List, Have These Latest Productions Been Integrated Into The Famous Acoustic Sequence? Va-t-elle, de nouveau, changes the rules of dating? Les Swifties clearly didn’t miss the surprises…

“Taylor Swift: Rebel Becomes Icon”Morgan Giuliani, Talent Sport, May 2024, 128 pages, €15.90.

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