Worried about what appears in the cherries and you eat without realizing it: pay attention

With the arrival of summer we feel hungry seasonal fruitslike melon and watermelon. The most numerous at this time are stone fruits. There is a choice: peach, apricot, nectarine and even cherry for a short period. It was with this latter that the farmer launched consumer notice.

This fruit is typical for early summer. His the season is quite short: It is harvested and consumed between May and July, although it now grows in April because the heat sets in earlier. Spain is one of the countries that produces and exports the most in the world, although drought this year has affected its cultivation: 109,226 tons are forecast to be produced this year, 7% less than in 2023 (117,782 tons), according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Cherry is widely recognized among consumers due to its properties. low glycemic index And him antioxidant properties. Additionally, a 2011 study from the University of Tucson, Arizona, found a strong correlation between cherry consumption and the prevention of cardiovascular disease in people over 40 years of age.

Despite this, a Spanish farmer shared a video on his social networks warning about Possible Risks of Cherries and All Stone Fruits. Agri Berto (@agri_berto) in his publications talks about his work in his vineyards, olive groves and, of course, in his cherry plantation. Now that he’s engrossed in the cherry campaign, he posted on Instagram fruit fly problemwhich can be dangerous when tasting freshly picked cherries.

“TOEven if you don’t see it, its larva is here.”

Cherry trees are sensitive to some pests, which, despite the use of appropriate treatments, can affect the consumer. “A fly bit this cherry and inside it, even if you don’t see it, its larva is there“, says the farmer, teaching what he is saying. “The fly makes a small hole and places a larva there, which feeds on this fruit. When the larva grows, it will come out, making another hole,” Berto clarifies. That’s why Agri Berto open the fruit in half before eating it.

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