Categories: Health

You’re Not Going Bald: It’s Telogen Effluvium

For several weeks now, after running a comb through my hair, my comb looks like a wig. In the shower, every time you wash your hair, there are more hairballs. You’re starting to wonder if it’s normal for you to lose so much hair or if you’re about to go bald: Don’t worry, luckily this is normal. You are experiencing telogen effluvium, a natural phenomenon that causes significant hair loss and occurs especially in the spring and fall.

To understand why this happens, you need to know how the hair life cycle works. It is divided into three phases: the growth phase (anagen), which lasts from two to six years; the involution phase (catagen), which lasts about two to three weeks; and the shedding phase (telogen), which lasts about three months until the hair falls out of the follicle and a new hair begins to grow in its place. This cycle is repeated 10 to 20 times throughout a person’s life.

Under normal conditions, about 100 hairs are lost per day, but during certain times of the year, such as spring and autumn, this number can increase significantly, leading to hair loss. up to 400 hairs per day. This occurs during the seasonal telogen effluvium. Although it is true that it is also influenced by various factors including hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, systemic diseases and seasonal variations.

Dr. Andrea Huerta Vienna explains A country than seasonal telogen effluvium This is a natural hair renewal process. which affects women more than men. And while it may seem alarming, seasonal loss of 400 or more hairs is physiological and temporary.

Why does this happen in spring and autumn? Because these are times of change or transition. At this time there is a change in daylight hours, so decrease in vitamin D after winter and spring allergies which cause inflammation of the scalp are some of the triggers. If you are too lazy to sunbathe, know that vitamin D is also key for hair growth and that its deficiency can worsen hair loss.

In addition to seasonal factors, other factors such as stress, diet and scalp care also play a crucial role in hair health. If you’re going through a tough time, it’s highly likely that you’ll notice an increase in hair loss.However, if hair loss lasts for more than six weeks, if there is a noticeable loss of hair thickness, or if there is a family history of alopecia, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

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