100 million stolen passwords: check if you’re affected

Around 100 million credentials (including email addresses and passwords) from portals such as Kinbase, Facebook, eBay, Roblox and many others were stolen and published by the hacker. This was confirmed by Troy Hunt, a well-known cybersecurity expert and creator of the platform. I was banned. Passwords, in particular, are part of the Naz.API database of more than 100 GB. This file is already circulating on various portals frequented by cybercriminals.

Hunt claims that this database has been published for almost four months and contains a total of 319 files, occupying 104 GB. After conducting several checks, the expert realized that these files contained total 70,840,771 email addresses and passwords. Luckily for some, many of the credentials featured in the leak are old passwords, making it much more difficult for hackers to gain access.

The cybersecurity expert also claims that 65.03% of the addresses involved in this massive credentials leak were already listed in I was banned, a portal where users can check via email whether they have been affected by such a data breach. On the other hand, he assures that “there are cases of duplicate lines.” However, he warns that there is also a “massive prevalence of people using the same password across multiple different services, and completely different people using the same password.”

How to find out if your password has been leaked

Hacker uses artificial intelligence to steal passwordsHacker uses artificial intelligence to steal passwords

In any case, you can check if your password appeared in the above leak via Encrypted Passwordswhich is very similar to I was banned – essentially the same platform – and allows us to find out if credentials are in the hands of attackers.

To do this, you just need to go to this site and enter your password in the search field. The platform will immediately tell you whether your password was leaked or, on the other hand, was not leaked.

In the first case, it is most appropriate change the password on all accounts. Additionally, most platforms and services allow you to enable two-step verification. This is an additional security method to prevent hackers from accessing your account, even if they have your password.

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