12 ways to keep you awake and awake

Hydration, short naps, and increased light exposure are some strategies to avoid falling asleep and resist sleep. Learn more effective methods.

12 ways to keep you awake and awake

Last update: May 8, 2024

Do you have to stay up all night to study or complete a work project? Have you changed your work shift and can’t stand the fatigue? In these and similar situations, sleep can be eliminated using different methods.

Patterns associated with rest follow a natural cycle known as the circadian rhythm. If we make drastic changes in habits, such as staying up all night, signs of fatigue may become erratic.

For a moment and in response to specific needs, we can use natural caffeine infusions or showers to delay drowsiness. Below you will find more alternatives to successfully lose sleep.

1. Take a short nap

Yes, it can feel dangerous to close your eyes and fall asleep for a few minutes. However, the benefits of sleep can also be used to help you stay awake for more hours.

Options include daytime naps (at least 6 hours before bedtime), as well as short periods of time when sleep becomes worse. Rest time 15 or 20 minutes. allows you to resume activities with more energy and greater productivity.

Research published in the journal Biological Research for Nurses found that napping reduced sleepiness in night shift workers. They were also associated with higher performance after overcoming sleep inertia upon awakening.

2. Drink coffee

A traditional drink that helps you stay awake is coffee. This is because caffeine acts as a stimulant, improving the ability to perform tasks and maintain concentration.

However, it is inappropriate to rely only on this drink, as well as And at the same time it should not exceed 4 cups per day.. Exceeding these can cause everything from stomach pain to increased heart rate and other harmful effects.

Do caffeine supplements help prevent sleepiness?

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. Therefore, if we take it in its pure form, and not in the form of infusions, we will be able to block adenosine receptors and will be less tired.

Caffeine supplements have been shown to increase the release of dopamine. Thus, they reduce fatigue, especially if we are engaged in strenuous activities.

Despite this, side effects and maximum doses must be taken into account. Recommendations range from 3 to 6 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of weight.. Excess will lead to health problems.

3. Drink tea and other infusions to get rid of sleep

Besides coffee, there are other drinks that can help us stay awake. For example, black tea, green tea and adding ginger to infusions.

Other foods to naturally relieve physical and mental fatigue include yerba mate and Peruvian maca. The former is consumed as cooked mate or mate (in countries where it is more traditional). In its turn, For maca, mix a tablespoon in a cup of hot water.. You can add a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla.

Finally, many people choose commercial energy drinks. However, its use is becoming less and less recommended due to the health risks it poses.

energetic drinks They should not be taken by children or pregnant or breastfeeding women.. And people with kidney problems will need prior medical approval.

4. Create good lighting

Just as it is important to sleep in the dark, it is also important to stay awake in bright light. This is due to the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wake cycles in the human body.

Darkness promotes melatonin production, while light reduces it.

Research published in the journal Journal of Biological Rhythms analyzed the impact of various variables on young night workers. The goal was to find the best way to change the sleep-wake cycle and avoid sleepiness at night. The results showed that Using bright light during work shifts allowed them to retrain their bodies and overcome fatigue.

5. Do breathing exercises.

Controlled and deep breathing increases the level of oxygen in the blood., so it helps counteract the feeling of sleep. While there are many breathing exercises with different benefits, the simplest is to take a deep breath, hold it for 2 seconds, and exhale slowly.

6. Walk for 10 minutes.

When you can no longer concentrate on the task at hand due to drowsiness, step away for ten minutes and take a walk around the place. If you have the opportunity and it’s daytime, Get outside and walk a few blocks to benefit from the sunshine.

A research paper that compared the fatigue-fighting benefits of walking and eating chocolate found some interesting results. Those who consumed sweets experienced a quick boost in energy, but were unable to maintain this momentum in the medium term.

In contrast, walking contributed to the effect over a longer period of time. More precisely, for two hours.

7. Drink water

In addition to taking the infusions already recommended for staying awake, it is also useful to drink water. Hydration improves blood circulation and triggers some metabolic mechanisms that make us feel less tired.

8. Listen to music

For some people, playing music in the background can be helpful. Depending on the task at hand, a fast rhythm will help you stay awake. First of all, if you try to engage in activities that do not involve reading or writing; This may be counterproductive in these scenarios.

In a study of 52 college students aged 18 to 30, background music was found to improve working memory. Besides, was positive for performancealthough this did not have a significant effect on sustained attention.

On the other hand, a 2019 study found that, in general, music makes simple tasks easier and hinders complex tasks. There was a lot of variability depending on the type of sound, task and characteristics of the performer.

9. Take a shower

A bath helps you wake up. Many people include this in their daily routine as the first activity, such as at the beginning of the day.

The same effect can be achieved during the day, at night or any time we need a boost of energy. Showering with cold water will have an even stronger effect, although caution should be exercised during sudden temperature changes.

10. Step away from comfort

If you are looking for an answer on how to get rid of sleep, It is best to stay away from the bed and comfortable chairs.. Although studying or working there seems possible, it is clear that temptation will overcome us.

Try to get into a comfortable position, and if you want to study, then sit. You can also try reading while standing for a few minutes or doing a related task while walking if possible.

11. Do stretching exercises.

It is important to relax and stretch your muscles a little from time to time. These types of exercises have many health benefits beyond relieving fatigue.

Start with the neck, back and arms. Then, if you need to increase your mobility, go for a walk or do a 30-minute workout program you find online.

Physical activity in general associated with a lower risk of low energy and fatigue.. This is evidenced by a review of studies published in the journal Sports medicine.

12. Eat energy foods

Some foods are effective in providing quick energy and reducing fatigue. Although those containing sugar cause a more immediate reaction, there are also healthy foods to choose from. Remember that simple sugars have a harmful effect by causing insulin spikes.

It is advisable to combine proteins and complex carbohydrates in a snack.

Try peanut butter, whole grain bread, yogurt, granola, nuts or carrots. We also have dark chocolate, which contains caffeine and tyrosine – substances that stimulate alertness. However, you should be careful with this sweetness and not overdo it due to the high sugar levels.

Do Natural Energy Supplements Help Overcome Sleep?

In addition to energy products, there are commercial presentations of supplements that are marketed as natural anti-fatigue remedies. The most important are the following:

  • Rhodiola rosea: This herb is considered adaptogenic. It is available in health food stores and herbal stores as a supplement for reducing stress and supposedly improving some cognitive functions. When combined with other substances (bacopa and ginseng), it can reduce daytime sleepiness. For standardized extracts, doses typically range from 200 to 600 mg maximum per day.
  • Ginseng: This adaptogen is a classic supplement designed to increase energy, stamina, and alertness. To reverse fatigue, it has shown some effect. Typical doses are usually 200 to 400 mg per day.

Maintaining good sleep hygiene every day is better

Promoting a healthy sleep pattern, consistently and daily, is the most balanced method of staying alert and energized when there is no other alternative. Good rest allows you to have more energy for everyday tasks. and improves motivation, mood and memory.

If you get good rest every day, your body will be better prepared for a day when you have to sleep less, or a night when you have to stay awake.

One of the keys to achieving adequate sleep hygiene is creating an appropriate environment. This involves dimming the lighting in the room and reducing exposure to blue light from electronic devices. Also, offer a quiet place or a place with relaxing white noise.

There are also foods that can help you fall asleep (such as almonds, honey, and chamomile). They should not be part of your diet if you need to stay awake, but can be present during regular dinners.

Creating a suitable sleep environment promotes compliance 7 or 8 hours of daily rest per day is recommended.. If this is spread out over weeks and months, it will be easier to stay awake occasionally, outside of work hours, for a specific reason.

Learn to deprive yourself of sleep, but don’t abuse it

In addition to knowing effective methods for eliminating sleep, It is not recommended to use them frequently.. Try to use them only in exceptional cases, for reasons that require you to stay awake outside of your normal schedule.

They can also help you complete everyday tasks on days when you feel more tired. Perhaps because you had a bad night or ate hard-to-digest food for lunch.

Finally, remember that one of the methods we mentioned will always be preferable to turning to medications or pharmacological stimulants. And if your job requires you to change your sleep-wake cycle, then consult your sleep doctor to advise you about the transition.

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