24 Hours in Pennsylvania to Experience Groundhog Day

Photo: Getty

How long will winter last this year? We live out the Groundhog Day tradition in Punxsutawney and learn Phil’s prophecy. it’s been 30 years caught in time, when Groundhog Day spawned one of the best comedies in cinema and became an expression to refer to something that is constantly repeated. For generations, every February 2, half the world keeps an eye on a small furry mammal who emerges from its burrow to predict winter’s fate. Phil, the name of a groundhog from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, recently sentenced, We tell you when winter will end according to this tradition and what to do in Punxsutawney besides attending this interesting event.

24 Hours in Pennsylvania to Experience Groundhog Day
Photo: Getty

Although it is estimated that Phil the Groundhog has only been correct about 40% of his predictions about the end of winter, a phenomenon that has been celebrated since 1886. Thus, Tradition says that if it is a cloudy day and the groundhog cannot see its shadow, it leaves billows indicating that winter won’t last long. On the other hand, if the sun comes out in the morning and you see its shadow, The animal returns to its hole and this means that the winter will be long.Specifically, six more weeks.

Groundhog Day
Photo: Getty

This year the groundhog says…

Like all previous years, this year too Phil has come out of his hole at 7:30 in the morning. in the morning swallower’s knob, About three kilometers from Punxsutawney. According to Phil, more than 20,000 people have come to this location to participate in this event and learned that spring will come earlier than expected, because when the groundhog came out of his hole he did not see his shadow.

Groundhog Day
Photo: Getty

“If you want a forecast about the weather, you ask the wrong Phil. “I will give you a prediction for winter: it will be cold, it will be gray, and it will be so for the rest of your life.” from this phrase in bill murray caught in time Well remembered by film lovers, In the film, the actor plays Phil Connors, a meteorologist who gets trapped in a time loop during Groundhog Day in the small town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

caught in time
Stuck in Time / Photo: GTRES

Punxsutawney ‘Time Capital of the World’

The town, Punxsutawney, has since popped up on the radar of movie buffs and curiosities who flock each year for Groundhog Day. A tradition that is not free from critics who do not welcome bringing the groundhog out of hibernation.

Photo: Weather Discovery Center

The city of Punxsutawney is known as the Weather Capital of the World because, beyond Phil’s prediction, It features an interactive Weather Discovery Centre. This center allows you to simulate hurricanes, tornadoes and predict weather with AccuWeather technologyWhich provides the most accurate local and international forecasts in real time.

Groundhog Day
Photo: Gobblers Knob

swallow knob This picturesque forest is where Phil shares his famous forecasts and is open year-round. For the most intrepid there are several trails of interest and Lake George can be reached on horseback after the event.

‘Tomato Pie’, the typical Groundhog Day dish

If you come here, you have to try it chess steak and most of all, Tomato Pie (tomato pie) at the restaurant punxsi, A very small and charming place where they follow the tradition of making these dishes. It was brought to Punxsutawney from Philadelphia during the 19th century by Italian immigrants. XIX and XX, Tomato Pie is made like a spongy dough Cake And the filling is made of layers of tomato paste and cooked with various spices.

Tomato Pie
Photo: Family Feast

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