6 tips to stay calm

We know that staying calm is not easy. Uncertainty, intrusive thoughts, among other reactions of our minds, can cause us to feel constantly anxious. However, today we present to you six tips from psychologist Maria del Carmen Rodrigo that will help you regulate your emotions.

1.- Maintain separate rooms

Taking short minutes to practice mindful breathing, meditation, or exercise at home makes a big difference. Even a short walk or stretching can be effective options for my well-being.

2.- Let me know how I feel

It is very important to share your thoughts and emotions with loved ones. Having dialogue as a family about what we are going through is critical. It is essential to explore different ways to inform children and teenagers about the current situation in our country.

3.- Be here and now

Sharing your feelings with a close friend, family member, or professional can help ease the emotional burden. Sometimes just talking about what’s bothering you can help you see things from a different perspective.

4.- Check the sources when informing you.

Avoid groups and sensational content on WhatsApp. Seek out reliable sources, both international and national, that disseminate useful and accurate information. Take care of your well-being, because news has a great impact on us.

5.- Stick to your daily routine

With remote work changing our daily routine, let’s try to keep it consistent when we’re not working. If this becomes difficult because you are a single mother or are not used to being active parents, it is very important to discuss this as a couple. It is necessary to agree on how to confront and cope with this situation together.

6.- Be compassionate

We are all living in the same situation, let’s be compassionate to ourselves and others. Remember: the main thing is to maintain balance.

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