8 Health Benefits of Frequent Lovemaking

Sex done right (i.e. Sincerelypaying attention to the needs of others and taking precautions if we don’t have a stable partner) this source of health, both physical and mintl.

list of benefits of good sex It is long, strengthens bones, heart and reduces stress. Perhaps one of the least notable is that it may be good remedy for one of the greatest evils of our society: sleep problems.

Why sex helps you sleep well

Indeed, especially if you are a man, you may have noticed that after sexual relations you feel sleepy, you fall asleep quickly and that’s usually very restful sleep.

Falling asleep in such circumstances does not necessarily mean ignoring your partner.. It has Scientific explanation. This behavior is actually action of hormones.

Two hormones have a particular effect: oxytocin And melatonin. Both substances released during sexual intercourse help you sleep better.

sex, even masturbatewill no doubt help you sleep better“confirmsDr. Raquel Marin, Professor of Physiology and an expert on brain-related topics.

What type of orgasm makes you sleepy?

The fact that neuroscientist Marin includes masturbation is significant. It seems the secret to how sex helps us fall asleep has nothing to do with whether it’s practiced as a couple. “Research shows that This largely depends on whether you reach orgasm.“, Explain.

This would explain why there is a misconception that men are sleeping after sex, but women don’t do this. Although there is differences in sleep time between men and womenbecause they are also influenced other menstrual cycle hormonesyou can already imagine the explanation why they sometimes don’t fall asleep.

Women do not always achieve orgasm, unlike men. Here’s where the difference could be: It’s not sex itself, it’s achieving orgasm“, says neuroscientist Marin in an interview with La Vanguardia.

That is, full and real orgasm This is what will help us achieve our goal of sleeping well. The more excitement, the better.

with maximum effortHave good sexual health Not only does it help us feel good during lovemaking, but it is also important for our health. physical and psychological well-being All in all. And practicing good sex has numerous health benefits: reduces stress, protects the heart, strengthens bones, helps you sleep better… and much more, which we’ll detail below.

For these or other reasons, For 89.5% of Spaniards, sex is of great importance. in their lives, according to 10th Monitoring Barometer “Youth and Sex”. And only 10.5% believe that sex is not very important.

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