A customer orders a chicken dish at a restaurant and cannot believe what he sees on the ticket.

Having lunch or dinner at a restaurant, depending on which restaurant can be considered almost like “risky sport”. While many pay close attention to the price of each dish before ordering, others rely solely on their taste and trust that the bill will come. no surprises.




In such cases, everything usually goes well and there are no problems when receiving the invoice. At most you may be disappointed depending on what. additive what you didn’t expect. However, it is not very often that a restaurant itself charges you a large amount of money for no apparent reason and, moreover, involving insults.

This is exactly what happened to the customer in the store. USA. Two visitors came to this restaurant, calmly sat down at a table and ordered several dishes. These included a plate of carbonara pasta, a portion of fried chicken for the main course and two pies for dessert, which also seemed to have nothing unusual in them. At best the restaurant charged surcharge 3 dollars because the customer asked for a scoop of ice cream to go with the cake. So far so good.

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However, the accounts did not quite add up. Despite the fact that I ordered dishes for the total amount 70 dollarsthe amount that appeared on the ticket was total 85. The client couldn’t believe it. But there was an explanation for everything. For some reason the restaurant charged the customer an extra $15 per “be an asshole”. Clear and concise.

Ticket from a restaurant in the USA

Ticket from a restaurant in the USA


The client didn’t believe it and was practically forced to upload the ticket on social networks. “There was a message on my food bill for me…”, indicated by this user. However, there was an explanation for everything. “My wife and I went to a restaurant for her birthday and had cocktails after dinner. I completely forgot the name of the cocktail we ordered, but that’s actually what it was called. “You’re an asshole”. “It definitely took me by surprise,” the author of the publication explained.

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