A day on Netflix: this exciting series has already 14 episodes and an encore plus! – News series

This is already a romantic comedy with Anne Hathaway. “Un Jour” premieres today as part of the hit series on Netflix. And voilà pourquoi il ne faut pas larater.

What are you saying?

Emma Morley and Dexter Mayhew met on the day they gave up their university degrees, July 15, 1988.

C’est avec qui?

Following a big screen adaptation by Lon Scherfig with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess, the novel day David Nicholls is a new transposition, in the series cette-fois ci. To play the two roles named Emma and Baxter for the day, it was two talents beyond the reach of the general public who were chosen.

Ainsi, Ambika Mod, popular in This Is Gonna Hurt and Leo Woodall in White Lotus Season 2, is a new and attractive version of this romantic indelible duo that can do an encore plus a conna too.

What is a coup d’etat?

Remakes in the series of works adapted into film represent a ton of this year’s small screen debut. Following the new mouth (réussie!) of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, this is a tour of the bestseller. day David Nicholls “Detre Remis Visiting for the Day”, “Three and After the Premiere of Lon Scherfig’s Cinematic Adaptation Starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturges.”


If this drama is rejouissante, prenante and melancolique était malheureusement passée sous les radars on a sortie – sauf pour les lovers of the fight against complexes of romantic relationships – a new Netflix adaptation va pouvoir remettre en lumière thiste foudroyante Romance entre Dexter Mayhew et Emma Morley (ou Dex) et Em pour les intime).

The car story between Dexter and Emma was simple and tasteless. After the premiere of the University’s Commencement Night in Edinburgh on July 15, 1988, Dexter and Emma never lie about the times of life and this symbolic date of St. Swithin.

In British folklore, in particular, do not make a name in Swithin de Winchester, the date of divorce is very important. Selon la croyance populaire, s’il pleut le jour de la Saint-Swithin, il pleuvra pendant 40 days, most of all happened beautifully, 40 days de beau temps suivront.

And times, what is soit au beau fixe or maussade, what is soit du passé or du present, est un deselements clés de l’histoire dexter and emma que l’on va suivre pendant une vingtaine d’années, the même jour à chaque foie.


Au gré de leur amitié-amour, Un jour joue avec les tones et genres en la société Englishe Sur Plusieurs Décennies, in the noisy torments, illusions and sufferings of the new generation and in the pleasant aspect of the commedia des Mœurs.

Formula that works in the mainstream world

Thanks to this base material, commercial equipment has all the capabilities to transform a rough diamond into a gemstone. And that’s exactly what this new version of the day is.

The series format is the way of telling this extraordinary novel, which can be savored both in its 14 episodes and in its espaçant ses de Visionnages.

Chaque épisode raconte une année, un ton, un état d’esprit, une mentété, une joie, une comb, épreuve, une réussite, une desillusion pour Dexter et Emma et il le fait avec authenticity, humor grinçant et humanité, sans jamais tomber Dans la niaiserie, la vulgarité or la noirceur.

Horrified by other great successes in the series – Normal people, for quotation – Un Jour a Réussi à saisir l’intelligence émotionnelle et la puissance du recit de son matériau d’origin pour la Transder à l’écran, avec un souci du detail Précieux , des Flashbacks Bien Pens and des Nexions Temporalles brilliant.


In this format it is possible to get more pleasure from this pairing, and I will repeat exactly the points for the book and the film, more with the plus of time than for the day, on s’attache bien plus encore à eux . And for those who know the story, an encore denouement plus déchirant, meme quand on sait déjà ce qui nous visit.

Excellent script, brilliant, Un jour repose évidemment sur son duo of the main actors, Leo Woodall and Ambika Maude, which counts for leur fraîcheur, leur humor, leur charm and leur sensibilité avec une telle aisance et une telle sincerity, qu’il est difficile de Croire qu’ils n’en sont qu’au tout début de leur carrière.

It is obvious that second roles, as well as étoffés également que dans le le le, do not pass by performances associated with comedians such as Essie Davis (The Matrix Reloaded, A Woman Filled with Pearls, Nitram), Tim McInnerny (“Coup de foudre à Notting” Hill, “The Serpent”), Amber Grappi (“The Baby”), Johnny Weldon (“House of the Dragon”) and Eleanor Tomlinson (“Poldark”, “A Tale of Hope”).

In short, the day is a new adaptation that will take you through the waves, that will give you the intense look you need and make you feel more alive than ever, to the rhythm of a very sophisticated group.

Un Jour is available on Netflix.

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