A mission to the moon that brought back the remains of about 90 people may have been lost in space.

America’s return to the Moon after more than 50 years is in limbo after damage to the Peregrine module, which will apparently prevent it from reaching the lunar surface with NASA experiments, Mexico and human remains, and which, as expected, will force it to orbit the Moon. place in the coming days.

The fate of Astrobotic’s Peregrine module, which was scheduled to reach the moon in February, remains uncertain after setbacks it encountered hours after its successful launch on Monday, January 8, from Florida.

According to Astrobotic, this ship has less and less fuel left to reach its goal, and it is also a fact that it was unable to make a soft landing on the Moon due to problems with the propulsion system.

The Peregrine One mission, which would be America’s first commercial robotic lunar landing, carries about twenty payloads from clients including NASA, five of which are designed to study the surface, atmosphere and radiation environment of the Moon.

There are also five miniature autonomous “rovers” from Mexico’s first lunar mission and another small exploration vehicle designed by students at Carnegie Mellon University, as well as a variety of other private cargo, including one from a space funeral company, he said.

La República.pe emphasized that this initiative, carried out by the private company Astrobotic Technology and partly funded by NASA, aims to bring to the surface of the Earth the remains of more than 90 people (ashes and DNA samples) and messages from close range from the satellite. satellite.80 thousand children from all over the world.

Sapsan promised to be a beacon of space exploration and a posthumous tribute, but just six hours after takeoff, the private lunar mission encountered a technical barrier that prevented its solar panels from pointing toward the sun.

Read more: “This project will go down in history”: Mexico will send the first space mission of five microrobots to the Moon

Although engineers were able to maneuver to charge the batteries, a leak in the propulsion system used up the necessary fuel for the lunar landing scheduled for February 23, the company said through its networks.

Among those remains were the ashes of science-fiction pioneers and famous television personalities such as British author Arthur C. Clarke and members of the Star Trek cast, Scientific American reported.

The ship also carried DNA samples from former US presidents such as George Washington and John F. Kennedy, and even the cremated remains of a dog.

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