A recipe to live 100 years from the best longevity expert

Have you ever wondered what it is? the key to a healthy and long life? Many people believe that reaching 100 years of age requires a life of sacrifice and a lot of luck. health concernsbut the truth is that with small gestures may contribute slow down aging and reduce the risk of disease.

Walter Longobiologist and director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, baptized magazine time as “longevity evangelist”. After many years of research on intermittent fasting and its impact on health and aging, was able to find the key to achieving full and long life.

Longo recommends low protein and sugar intakegiving priority healthy fats and herbal products. In other words, it helps reduce carbohydrate intake at the expense of fatty acids. “I eat pasta and bread every day, but my body mass index is 23.”points to Information about your BMI, which is within healthy parameters.

12 hours fasting

According to the professional, his secret to longevity is based on healthy and special diet that imitates classical fasting as we know it, combined with the practice of physical exercise. Fast within 12 hours allows you to activate the set defensive reactions optimizing the functioning of the body and promote cell regeneration.

This finding is the result of ten years of research, initially in mice but later tested with clinical trials on humans. After a series of tests, it was proven that the program is capable reduce morbidity diabetescancer and heart disease.

“5 Poisonous Letters”

In his book The Longevity Diet, Longo advocates moderate consumption what he calls the “five poisonous Ps”: pizza, pasta, animal proteins, potatoes and bread. The professor insists that it is not necessary to exclude them from the diet, but rather to reduce their usual consumption and Maintain normal weight and body fat percentage.

In addition, he recommends maintaining high vegan diet and fishthereby increasing healthy fats and plant foods, both are excellent allies, capable of living for over 100 years. In this regard, the specialist advises 150 minutes exercise a weekNear one hour a day of walking.

“It will be possible to reach 100 or more, but only for people who do everything necessary for this. The rest will live until 80 years old and for the last 30-40 years they will use a lot of drugs,” says the expert in an interview with the publication Information.

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