A simple test for early detection of bladder cancer

World Bladder Cancer Day

The presence of blood in the urine or pain when urinating are usually the first symptoms of the disease.

One bladder one of the most common types of cancer. So much so that, according to the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), it is the fifth most diagnosed tumor in our country in 2024 with 22,097 new cases.

Males are predominantly affected by the disease, The patient profile is typically male with an average age of 70 years. (although cases are reported between ages 45 and 54, most cases are diagnosed between ages 65 and 75).

As with all neoplasms – although this can be extrapolated to all types of pathologies – early detection is importantHematuria is one of the most common and early symptoms.

Therefore, paying attention to the presence of blood in the urine and other symptoms such as pain when urinating, incontinence or frequent urination may be key to early diagnosis. Additionally, treatments vary depending on the stage of the disease, so early detection significantly improves survival and quality of life for patients. The good news is that this early diagnosis can be made with a simple urine test..

For this reason, and also for the occasion World Disease Day, celebrated today, May 5th, remember that one of the most striking symptoms of this cancer is hematuria, presence of blood in the urine, which may be red, brown, orange, or pink.. Often this can be the first sign of pathology.

But this is not the only symptom, and other symptoms of bladder cancer that are key to its early detection and may indicate that something is wrong (besides the presence of blood in the urine) are high frequency of urination; urge to urinate; feel pain when urinating, or if you have pain in the pelvic area or lower back.

Life Habits

We should also appreciate the importance of following a healthy lifestyle to prevent this disease. So, Some vital changes in our lifestyle can significantly reduce our risk. development of bladder cancer.

Among them, the fact of quitting smoking stands out. Although the data is not well known, Smoking is the main risk factor, accounting for approximately 50% of cases of this type of tumor. This happens because carcinogens present in tobacco smoke pass through the blood and remain in the bladder, where they can damage the lining of cells.

Another important habit is maintaining regular physical activity: Not only does exercise improve your overall health, but it can also reduce your chance of developing bladder cancer by 30%. This is because physical activity helps maintain a healthy lifestyle and improves immune function.

Last but not least, eat a balanced diet: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps reduce the risk of developing it. because these foods contain antioxidants and nutrients that protect the body’s cells.

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