A tropical fruit from Spain is a nutritional bomb that lowers cholesterol and helps you lose weight.

Mango is that exotic (though increasingly found in green stores) and colorful fruit native to South Asia that has transcended geographical barriers and taken root in cuisines and cultures around the world..

From the green valleys of the Indian subcontinent to the tropics of America and Africa, it is revered not only for its sweetness and texture, but also for its impressive nutritional profile.

This fruit’s journey began thousands of years ago in the jungles of South Asia, where it was first cultivated. It quickly became an important element of the local diet and a symbol of life in the ancient Indian scriptures, the Vedas.

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Over time, its cultivation expanded, reaching Africa and South America through trade routes and various explorers. In each new territory, it was adopted and adapted to local culinary customs, becoming a staple in a variety of dishes, from salads to desserts.

One of the most noteworthy properties of mango is its ability to support a healthy digestive system. This fruit is rich in digestive enzymes such as amylase, which break down starch into simpler sugars, thereby facilitating digestion.

For example, according to a study conducted International Journal of Food Science and NutritionThese enzymes make mangoes especially beneficial for people with digestive problems, helping to optimize nutrient absorption and alleviate digestive problems.

Good for skin

It also helps you lose weight high in fiber, which helps promote a feeling of fullnesswhich can reduce overall calorie intake, making people feel fuller longer and thereby reducing their intake of other foods.

In addition to this benefit, they provide other significant benefits to the skin due to their high content of vitamins A and C. These vitamins are crucial for the repair and maintenance of this organ, protecting it from sun damage and promoting wound healing.

This benefit was confirmed in postmenopausal women, as shown by a study conducted in Journal of Dermatological Science which demonstrates how vitamin A-derived compounds present in mangoes can fight the effects of aging and environmental damage, highlighting the fruit’s role in nutritional dermatology.

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The antioxidants present in these foods, such as polyphenols and vitamins C and E, play an important role in the prevention of chronic diseases. They neutralize free radicals, harmful molecules that can contribute to the development of heart disease and cancer.

In fact, a study published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry show that Regular consumption of mango can significantly reduce oxidative stress.offering powerful protection against various pathological conditions.

In addition, it also contains mangiferin, a powerful anti-inflammatory that may be especially useful in treating inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. This is why various studies have been carried out on its anti-inflammatory powers, such as those published in Biochemical pharmacology suggesting that mangiferin inhibits the production of inflammatory mediators, which may help relieve pain and inflammation associated with chronic inflammatory diseases.

Benefits for the heart and eyesight

In the cardiovascular area, mango is beneficial due to its high potassium and magnesium content, which are essential for heart health. Study American Journal of Clinical Nutrition notes that these minerals help regulate blood pressure and prevent heart disease, highlighting the importance of mangoes in a heart-healthy diet.

This fruit may also have a positive effect on the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Its fiber and mangiferin reduce blood glucose levels, and this property may help improve the glucose profile in obese people.

Even your eyesight can benefit greatly from eating mango due to its richness in vitamin A and zeaxanthin. These nutrients, concentrated in the retina, protect the eyes from macular degeneration, as shown in various studies in Archive of Ophthalmology. This protection is vital to preventing one of the leading causes of vision loss in older adults.

Except, strengthens the immune system thanks to a high concentration of vitamin C. The vitamin is necessary to protect the body from infections. This fruit is so amazing that it even has positive effects on mental health and body weight.

According to scientists, the fiber in mangoes promotes satiety, helping to control weight, and antioxidants can improve cognitive function and mood. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. These combined effects illustrate how mango not only nourishes the body, but also the mind, establishing itself as a superfood in the modern diet.

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