Abortion: The ruling party presented a project to repeal voluntary interruption of pregnancy. Freedom Advances shows its most anti-rights side

A few days before President Xavier Miley meets Pope Francis at the Vatican, a group of LLA delegates presented a project to repeal the voluntary interruption of pregnancy law approved by Congress three years ago. But the initiative goes further than that, and seeks to modify the penal code regarding legal abortion that has existed in the country since 1921, removing that right from girls, women and those with childbearing potential, Those who face forced pregnancy. Result of rape or sexual abuse. It allows abortion only if there is an “immediate threat” to the woman’s life, placing Argentina among the countries with the most restrictive laws. Additionally, it increases prison sentences for those who provide voluntary abortions and those who do so, and repeals existing penalties for public officials who obstruct the practices.

The initiative was presented on Monday, but it was unveiled this Wednesday night, a day after the official defeat of approving the omnibus legislation and its return to the Commission to start the treatment again. Shortly after their meeting, a flyer from the National Abortion Rights Campaign began circulating on social media: “If they blow hard, they’ll make waves. We know how to turn the tide. Not even a step back. This is the law.” The text is accompanied by an image of the Casa Rosada surrounded by green rolling waves. “Having lost the possibility of privatization, putting women’s rights on the negotiating table is a display of tremendous desperation. We will fight every battle and like the omnibus law, this project also cannot come to the fore. She said, “We feminists will not allow this.” page 12 Soledad Deza, lawyer and head of the Tucumán NGO Mujeres x Mujeres, who secured the acquittal of a young woman named Belen who was imprisoned and convicted in that province after suffering a spontaneous abortion.

The project, which has been signed only by pro-government legislators, also removes the inclusive language of the current wording and the figure of a surrogate person that includes trans men as subjects of the law who may need an abortion. No representative from any other party supports this initiative.

It was presented by 27-year-old Rocío Belén Bonacci, elected by Santa Fe, a young woman who said during the campaign that politics was “not something I like” and described herself as “the voice of young activists”. Defined as someone for whom “nobody” cares.” And said she is a podiatrist but before taking office she worked 8 to 12 hours a day as a manicurist. Also signing their signatures are the chair of the Libertarian Caucus, Oscar Zago, Beltrán Benedit, María Fernanda Araújo, Lilia Lemoine and Manuel Quinter.

“We understand that this law is not constitutional, and goes against the common sense of the Argentine people and that it does not take into account the dignity of the human person, which is why it is appropriate to promote its repeal,” he explains. Are. Foundation of Initiative.

The first article repeals Law 27,610 on voluntary interruption of pregnancy (IVE), which decriminalizes and legalizes abortion in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy and beyond the period when the woman’s life or health is in danger and sexual In case of exploitation and rape.

The second article amends Article 85 of the Penal Code, and increases the prison sentence – currently from three months to one year – from one to four years for anyone who performs an abortion with the woman’s consent. “If the woman dies after the incident, the maximum punishment will be increased to six (6) years.”

The third paragraph repeals Article 85 bis of the Penal Code, which establishes “a prison sentence of three months to one year and special disqualification for double the period of the sentence, for a public official or health establishment, professional, provider or “Health workers who unreasonably delay, obstruct, or refuse to perform abortions in legally authorized cases in violation of existing regulations.”

The fourth article largely modifies Article 86 of the Penal Code, and by removing non-punishment in cases where pregnancy results from sexual abuse or rape, the country limits the number of abortions allowed even more than the 1921 vote. Has been given. That is, it perpetuates the torture of girls and women facing forced pregnancies by forcing them to complete them without the possibility of terminating them within the framework of the law. The Libertarian Project says, “Merely avoiding imminent danger to the mother’s life is not punishable, unless the danger could be avoided by other means.”

The fifth and final article amends Article 88 of the Penal Code, increasing penalties for those performing abortions. Currently, if the exercise is carried out for more than 14 weeks and outside the reasons given in Article 86 it takes 1 to 3 months. The LLA reform proposal writes it this way: “It shall be suppressed by imprisonment of one (1) to three.” (3) years, a woman who obtains her own abortion or gives consent to someone else to obtain an abortion. A woman’s effort is not punishable. The judge may order that the woman be exempted from punishment depending on the reasons which induced her to commit the offence, her subsequent attitude and the nature of the fact.”

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