According to a Randstad report, 75% of companies face a skills shortage.

Madrid, January 16 (EFECOM). According to a report prepared by Randstad and CEO E. .

97% of the 300 companies surveyed in this study say they were looking for new workers in the past year, and more than 80% of them had difficulty finding employees with high (university and above) or intermediate (training) qualifications. professional).

However, in the presentation of the report, Randstad research institute director Valentin Bothe notes that the lack of talent is “a widespread problem across sectors, companies and professional profiles.”

Reasons companies give for hiring decisions include employee turnover (67% of companies surveyed) and business growth (47%), as well as the need for new skills (34%).

And Bote explained that there is a great need to bring the business world closer to training, since “a lot of time passes” from the moment a need arises in the labor market to the receipt of the first diploma.

In this sense, the Director of Employment, Diversity and Social Protection of CEOE, Rosa Santos, highlighted during the event the changes made to the Vocational Training Law, which have served to introduce Dual FP and allow companies to participate in the development of the goal.

However, he criticized how university legislation continues to turn its back on companies, which poses a barrier to the need to respond to skills shortages in companies, making it difficult for graduates to enter the job market.

In addition to the lack of qualified specialists, 65% of companies in the report attribute difficulties in finding personnel to competition between companies, and another 48% claim that there are industries that are less attractive than others.

Unattractive salaries are in fourth place and, according to 31% of companies, are the reason why they cannot find workers: “It loses its power as an explanatory factor,” says Bote. EFECOM


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