Acier Martinez won the semi-final while suspended

Asier Martinez won the semi-final while suspended / EFE

Asier Martinez He won his semi-final in the 60 hurdles at the World Championships in Glasgow with a double merit. The Navarrese athlete had a reaction of 0.093 after the first start signal in a race that included top-level athletes such as Cypriot Trajkovic. The referees gave him a red card. Disqualified. Very controversial, without a doubt one of the most controversial rules in athletics.

Asier decided to complain, went to see the reaction to the video and asked to run for office as a sign of protest. He was given the opportunity to run, but he was a priori disqualified. I had to later look at the work in the offices of coach Pepe Peiro and in the upper echelons of the RFEA to understand whether they accepted the claim. But it was in vain.

The truth is that Acier not only did not lose, but also won the semi-final, beating Trajkovic with a score of 7:51. Exhibition, despite the fact that my head was thinking about protest. After warming up with Quique Llopis and the rest of the finalists, and after many minutes of discussion by the judges, the disqualification was upheld. Very controversial, we repeat. Because if you look closely, for example, at this zero Trajkovic, he moves ahead of him.

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