Adele Exarchopoulos remembers the role of the mother in Papotin: “Le respect for my children, donne un grand sens à ma vie”

Une émission teintée d’humanité et de spontaneous. Adele Exarchopoulos invited during the mission Papotin’s meetingsdistributed to the south France 2 Samedi, January 6, 2024 Actress who recently received it Volevsy and etc. Le Reign animal This is a note, confidential information about the life of the mother of the family.

At the meeting, members of Papoten’s editorial board, journalists, non-professionals, carriers of the problems of the ghost of autism, ask questions about the actress, who is devoted with tenderness and vulnerability.

Only 23 years old

“Comment tu fais pour être mère bienveillante alors que you es encore une enfant dans et aufund de ta tête?” Claire demanded as an example. Mother d’Ismael, 6 years old, born the son of a union with the rapper Dooms, has more income from the relationship with her son’s son: “Un enfant is a huge responsibility. Je l’ai eu un peu jeune en plus, I “don’t know what 23 year”, this is explained in the Prime Minister.

This is the answer to my questions from my children.

Ensuite, la comédienne, 30 years old, confit, which is “essaie d’etre un example” for Louis, meme, if he knows what “n’en n’est pas un” is. “Mais la bienveillance est Naturelle et Wind avec l’amour. Quand j’aime les gens, je suis bienveillante,” he concluded.

Another journalist who demands “ce qui donne un sens a (sa) vie?” In response to this question, the French artist continues to spontaneously answer: “Ce qui donne un sens à ma vie, c’est beaucoup mon fils. Le report de mon fils donne un grand sens à ma vie.” Puis elle a déclaré une nouvelle fois son amour à son enfant: “Des fois je me dis: ‘Mais qu’est-ce que je faisais avant quand il n’était pas là? Pour qui, pourquoi je faisais les chooses?’ “This is the answer to my questions, my children. These are the feelings of my life.”

At another point, Adele Exarchopoulos also addressed her children and their relationship with the corps. Elle s’est alors remémoree qu’enfant, elle ressemblait, selon elle, à un garçon: “J’ai eu des poux pendant sept ans. À Force de Me Traer, mes parents n’en pouvaient plus et ont fini par me raser” la tet”. Adele Exarchopoulos clarifies that it is “everything is fine” and “a plate” and that it is floating in the air in the Tropsonian body.

Adele Exarchopoulos will meet Eddie de Pretto

At the end of the mission there is another point three minutes from Seoul. Papotin’s meetings ont le secret product. Alors qu’un des journalists sing Love and tenderness de Eddy de Pretto, singer of lui-même, arrived on the plateau and interpreted Morceau in his cats. The actress performed songs in wheelchairs, accompanying them on a sun lounger, before returning accompanied by other members of the team.

“Un peu de love et de tenresse / Finalement, c’est ce qu’il nous reste / Que de l’amour, que de beaux gestes / Pour essuyer le temps qui blesse”, ont-ils entonné en choeur avant d’applaudir this beautiful moment of parting.

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