Adele Viret Quartet / Jazz Migration imfp Salon de Provence Tue, May 21, 2024

Adele Viret Quartet / Jazz Migration imfp Salon de Provence, Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Adele Viret Quartet / Jazz Migration ♫JAZZ♫ Tue May 21, 20:00 imfp From 0 to 18€

Dates and hours of debut and end (année – mois – jour – heure):
Debut: May 21, 2024, T20:00:00+02:00 – May 21, 2024, T23:00:00+02:00.
End: 05/21/2024T20:00:00+02:00 – 05/21/2024T23:00:00+02:00

20:00 Premiere – Atelier Jazz de l’IMFP

21:00 Adele Vire Quartet
For the composer of the first repertoire, Adele Viret chooses the revival of the piano in the house of her childhood son, as a return to ordinary dress, to the couture of family and musical stories. Without further adjustment, when you make spontaneous impulses, it will remain idle with the help of a surge protector for the keyboard to dance on cords and marches. And from this brut gesture he created the first canevas, the author of which was the most famous son of the cello and the voices of three singing musicians: Oscar Viret, an accomplice brother on the trumpet, Vaidi Riahi on the piano and Pierre Hurty on the piano. battery.
The instruments of this quartet must be special, and they will feel in the atmosphere of the whole atmosphere, in which there will be divided roles, relays, permutations, all of them indispensable when anger and courage arise. La converance mutuelle y est totale et on navigue en tendresse entre des Horizons qu’on dirait parfois baignés de rivages de rivages méditerranéens, et d’autres où le ciel se fait plus incertain, tempétueux peut-être, comme un orage inondant les Flandres sur de joyeux Noah triumphs: “Godziydank! het regent! “, for several days when I did not expect preludes to dreams or fugue invitations. Au gré des éclats, des pas de deux, puis trois puis quatre, on landing et chemin faisant resonnent en nous marées d’équinoxe, grands espaces et autres roulez-jeunesse!

Adele Viret Cello
Oscar Viret Trumpet
Vajdi Riahi Piano
Pierre Hurty Battery
Restoration is possible with Miguel and Sa Paella.
Booking 06 27 46 57 21
Retrouvez – the complete musical program of Marseille is alive

imfp 95 Avenue Raoul Francoux, 13300 Salon-de-Provence Salon-de-Provence 13300 Bel-Air Bouches-du-Rhône Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur ({“type”:”link”, “value”:”https:/ / “}) ({“link”: “”})

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