After being removed from the government, Pablo de la Torre defended himself against the complaints and stated against Kirchnerism: “Dead before dirty”

The former Secretary of Children and Family, Pablo de la Torre, refers to the complaints against him: “I will not let myself be intimidated”

Former Secretary of State for Children, Adolescents, and Families, Pablo De La TorreDelay in food delivery and responded to complaints against him criminal complaint which has been filed by the government For irregularities in his management, which led to his ouster from the government.

,My conscience is clear and my hands are clean.I am proud to have fought alongside Minister Petovelo against the leaders of poverty,” the pediatrician said. Expelled from National Cabinet amid scandal Tonnes of food in state warehouses had not been distributed and were about to expire.

Surprisingly, the leader of the Buenos Aires municipality of San Miguel singled out the Human Capital Minister, Sandra PettovelloThe allegations against him targeted him and other national cabinet officials.

,I will not allow myself to be intimidated by the Kirchnerists who have infiltrated the government, dead before it gets dirty“, De la Torre concluded in his message.

De la Torre was in the eye of the storm along with Sandra Petovello due to delays in the delivery of food that was improperly stored in warehouses dependent on the Ministry of Human Capital. However, what ousted him from his position was an internal investigation in the ministerial portfolio due to suspicions about the personnel recruitment system in the area under his charge.

Pablo de la Torre’s post on his ex account

The audit revealed the alleged existence of an illegal political collection system built around contracts signed with Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI).This international NGO has current cooperation framework agreements with the Argentine government that come from previous efforts for advice and services.

About OEI received this year Arab Pesos By agreements signed by De la Torre himself and in return he would have handed over at least 100 names to show that he had been hired. In this context, the government filed a criminal complaint and made a presentation before the Anti-Corruption Office (OA).

The justice would have to investigate how many of those hundred were genuine contracts, whether there were forged identities and whether any of the amounts shown in those contracts were compulsory withholdings, tolls or “voluntary contributions” from the contracting party.

,This is the scandal that unites Chocolate Rigau with picketers“One of the informants said, as revealed infobaewhat happened inside Human Capital. That is, it is similar to the scheme organized by the Peronist leader, who managed hundreds of debit cards for false contracts, which were paid every month by the Buenos Aires Legislature and which served as an illegal collection method.

The situation that determined De la Torre’s departure began with a journalistic revelation that pointed to Federico FernandezThe Administrative Director of the Secretariat, as the person who regrets the scheme.

The investigation came as controversy erupted over the delivery of food collected by the Ministry of Human Capital, and whether it should be allocated to popular areas. The controversy had already escalated beyond expectations and the government tried to try and minimize it.

The dismissed Pablo de la Torre with the minister Sandra Pettovello

Lawyer and leader of the Frente Patria Grande, Juan GraboisEven before the decision was known, Petovelo had warned that official information submitted in the case showed that among the food items stored in the warehouses was powdered milk that would soon expire.

Grabois appeared in court with a criminal complaint to claim this unfair retention of goods. In total there were 6,000 tons of foodThis includes 339,867 kilograms of powdered milk, yielding 2,718,936 liters of liquid milk, which expires in July and the delivery schedule has not yet been submitted.

Within the framework of this fraud, De la Torre was displaced from the government. The former Secretary of Children comes from the Municipality of San Miguel, he is the brother of Joaquin de la TorreFormer mayor of the municipality and one of the barons of Conbano.

Although the case of Pablo de la Torre is special, the Ministry of Human Capital is accumulating resignations due to disagreements and difficulties in management advancement. This superportfolio, which includes the former ministries of Social Development, Labor and Education, Science and Technology and Women; has accumulated 15 resignations of senior officials since December 10.

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