After Stranger Things, Millie Bobby Brown explodes with The Nineteen Steps!

Millie Bobby Brown surprises us Nineteen steps. A new artistic chapter for the talented actress?

After I captured the publication as an actress Renom dans la serie à succès Stranger ThingsMillie Bobby Brown respects the conquest of a new domain with her sons’ foray into the first novel, Nineteen steps. In his 19th year, the multidisciplinary artist developed a literary talent that amazed us with its poignant and touching story.

Historical journey émouvant

The book, ready for release in France on January 25, is the story behind a tragic event that took place in London during World War II. Inspired by her grandmother’s experiences, Millie Bobby Brown takes readers back to history through the character of Nellie Morris, a young American soldier in London. The story begins with a tragic tour on March 3, 1943, when an air attack destroyed the entrance to Bethnal Green tube station, killing 173 people.

Personnel and emotions

In a communiqué from American editor Harper Collins, girl Sharing the staff with the story, he admires how the novel is an ode to Grandma Ruth’s experience of this tragic event. “The Comedy Woman” honors the timeless story of a great mother through the book she loves. “This book, inspired by my mother Ruth, is my three personalities and my heart. J’ai grandi en écoutant les histoires de sa vie pendant la guerre. I feel like an honorary custodian of life’s history.”I confessed to at-ella.

On Instagram, Millie Bobby Brown announces her Prime Minister, romance, decrivant Nineteen steps like a historical journey through the life of Nellie Morris.

Among her detective talents, Millie Bobby Brown continues to excel in her acting career, or she’s gearing up for her final season Stranger Thingsand beauty brand Florence by Mills, founded in 2019.

Recommended Editor’s Commendation Nineteen steps

Harper Collins qualifies Millie Bobby Brown’s novel “Premiere of a beautiful book” et d’histoire poignante mêlant amour, désir et perte, tirée des expériences authentiques vécues par la famille de l’actrice. Nineteen steps Before us is a unique literary experience, skillful fiction and reality in a tabloid and authentic narrative plot. I wonder when we will now have the opportunity to read this touching story in French? Aucune date de sortie pour la française version n’a encore été communication, laissant les amirateurs de l’actrice et écrivaine en herbe dans l’expective.

Nineteen steps : film prochain Millie Bobby Brown?

Au-delà de la sortie du livre, and another question asked by fans: Nineteen steps Will it be adapted for film? The idea for exploring the story of Nellie Morris claims to see the imagination title on the big screen, but most of all the encore has yet to be confirmed.

Recognized for her acting talent, Millie Bobby Brown made her debut as a writer or producer in an episodic adaptation or when she played the role of Nellie? The events take place on a good train, but what awaits you most of all is the answer to this exciting mystery.

After Stranger Things, Millie Bobby Brown returns to The Nineteen Steps!

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