Alarm in Europe as measles cases rise

Measles outbreaks are rising across England, with regions such as the West Midlands seeing the highest number of cases since the 1990s. Romania declares national epidemic after three deaths.

Most cases measles in the West Midlands (80%) were found in Birmingham, with 8% identified in Coventry and the remainder scattered throughout the surrounding areas. There have been more than 250 confirmed cases in the region since the start of October, a number that has increased since Christmas. Letters have been sent to all Birmingham schools warning parents that if their children are not vaccinated against measles, they may have to isolate for three weeks if they become infected. In 2022/23, around 84.5% of young people in England had received both doses of the vaccine. vaccine when they were five, the lowest level in 10 years.

Measles is a highly contagious airborne disease caused by an RNA (ribonucleic acid) virus that can cause serious complications and death. Before the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1968, there were between 160,000 and 800,000 cases of measles a year in the UK. Since then, the Health Protection Agency Great Britain The UKHSA estimates that 20 million cases and 4,500 deaths have been avoided.

National measles epidemic in Romania

He Ministry of Health of Romania officially declared a national measles epidemic after an alarming increase in measles cases and a significant number of hospitalizations among infected children. There are nearly 2,000 cases nationwide, spread across 29 of 41 counties, and 80% of children are affected. they are not vaccinated. “Vaccination coverage with the first dose at the national level is 78%, with the second dose – 62%,” the Ministry of Health reported.

He flash It was said that this would make it easier to vaccinate children aged 9 to 11 months and reduce the number of those who are not vaccinated or have an incomplete vaccination schedule. Statistics pediatric The latest data shows a decline of almost 20% in the rate of vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps over the past 15 years. The main reason for the decline in vaccination rates is lack of parental trust in vaccination and disinformation.

WHO warns of rising measles cases worldwide Europe: The number of cases last year is already 30 times higher than in 2022. “Vaccination is the only way to protect children from this potentially dangerous disease. Urgent vaccination efforts are needed to stop transmission and prevent further spread. It is vital that all countries are prepared to quickly detect and respond to measles outbreaks that could jeopardize progress towards measles elimination,” added the regional director WHO for Europe – Hans Henri P. Kluge.

Spain on the verge of measles outbreak

IN Spain There is a high level of vaccination coverage. According to data from Ministry of Health, 97.2% in the first dose and 93.9% in the second. In recent years, 12 cases have been reported, and all of them were imported or had connections with people not living in our country. There were no infections or major outbreaks. The measles vaccine is administered in two stages. dosethe first on the first birthday, and the second at three or four years, depending on the autonomous community.

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