Alejandro Sanz, Los Amigos Invisibles, Ricardo Montaner: artists from around the world stand in solidarity with Ecuador in the face of rising violence | People | Entertainment

After capturing objects TK Television by a group of hooded men armed with rifles and grenades on Tuesday, January 9, as a series of violent events and victims of the growing wave of violence in different parts of the country, international artists join with messages of support for citizens in the midst of this crisis.

“I feel great pain about what happened in Ecuador. From afar, I send you my love and support to the Ecuadorian people. Violence is not a symptom: it is a disease. All the strength and all the love for good people,” Spanish singer Alejandro Sanz wrote on his X (Twitter) profile.

National artists mourn the death of Diego Gallardo (Ire del Golfo), which occurred during a state of emergency

Venezuelan group Los Amigos Invisibles, formed in 1991, also posted a message to their digital community on the same social network. “Ecuador has always been a special place for us. All our friends there receive a big hug of solidarity in these very difficult moments,” the image reads as a statement in X.

Foreign journalists spoke about an armed attack on TC Television facilities

“To my favorite people #Ecuador…Family in constant prayer… God is in control…! written by Argentine-Venezuelan singer-songwriter Ricardo Montaner. (HEY)

“They were forced to broadcast live”: an employee of TK Television tells what happened inside the channel

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