Angelina Jolie peut-être à nouveau amoureuse… Who is the rapper who loves redonne le sourire?

In September and after breaking up with Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie to peut-être Retrouvé l’amour. Enfin, si l’on en croit des rumeurs qui nous viennent d’Italie… Pourquoi l’Italie? I think it’s in Milan, où elle poursuit le Tournage de Maria (biographical film about Maria Callas) que l’actrice de 48 and a été surprise il ya quelques jours en Charante Compagnie, Celle de Kingsley James McLean Dalyrapper, activist and British écrivain with 40 years of experience, plus connu sous le nom d’Akala.

Angelina Jolie and Akala meet after a long quarrel

In published photographs Auggieperhaps having met Angelina and Acala on the meme sorting train, he appears on the streets of Milan and shares pleasant moments with his two co-stars, Alba Rohrwacher and Pierfrancesco Favino (with the company of Anna Ferzetti).

This is not a premiere for Angelina Jolie and the Akala passent du temps ensemble. Ils sont d’ailleurs de old friendsand many other fans of mutual understanding: in July 2021, they met on the river bank at a Mustafa the Poet concert in Los Angeles, and two years later, the actress published a rare photo on Instagram. Sa daughter Shiloh Lisant un Roman d’Acala, Dark lady. Eat against the grain. And as the soul of the magazine, first of all, it is available to you in Jamaica as part of the Calabash Litéraire festival.

Contrary to the son of the former Maria (later returned with Ines de Ramon plus d’un an après qu’on lui a preté, an innumerable name of winners), Angelina Jolie was not like a lancer dans une new story. On the other hand, when I asked the little one who chose singer The Weeknd and actor Paul Mescal… they seem to be available for the cafe ensemble! The actress explains the recipe in the entertainment program. WSJ. que sa Priorité restait pour le moment ses six children: “In my social life, children are my best friends”at-elle declaré.

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