At least 25 people killed in an attack on a market in Donetsk

The attack on Russian-controlled Donetsk comes at a time of escalating fighting on the Ukrainian eastern front.

at least 25 people died Today and other 20 Ukrainians have been injured in an attack against a market in the city of Donetsk, the capital of the region annexed by Russia in September 2022, its leader Denis Pushilin condemned today.

“At the moment, information about 25 dead has been confirmed. At least 20 other people are injured,” Denis Pushilin said on Telegram.

He particularly highlighted the fact that the attack took place on a Sunday, which is the busiest day for the public.

He Tekstilshchik microdistrict It is located south-west of Donetsk and is just over ten kilometers away, putting the regional capital, over which Kiev lost control in 2014, within Ukrainian artillery range.

attack against Donetsk According to the US think tank Institute for the Study of War (ISW), it comes at a time of intense fighting on the Ukrainian eastern front, where Russian troops have made some progress in the past days.

Russia assures that it initiates actions on all fronts, while Ukraine declares that it maintains an “active defense” that includes the advance of Moscow’s troops.

(TagstoTranslate)International(T)Russia(T)Ukraine(T)War Ukraine Russia(T)Vladimir Putin(T)Volodymyr Zelensky

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