Athletic don’t beat around the bush for Iñaki Ugalde

Yesterday there were different reactions to the incidents that occurred before and after the Cup semi-final between Athletic and Atlético Madrid. Ibaigane’s statement on this matter was as strong and clear as possible. The Bilbao club understands that “the serious clashes that took place on the San Mamés esplanade represent a huge discredit to our exemplary fans and the club itself.” And so it is.

lThe condemnation of the culprits in Ibaigan does not end there as they believe that “those who rioted, threw down fences, threw bottles and in short behaved like crazy ultras do not represent the Sports Club and deserve the disapproval and rejection of everyone.” and all of us who truly make up the Atletsale family.

lAtlético’s official reaction was in a different direction. At the colchonero club they decided to “condemn the poor security and chaos caused by the unacceptable behavior of some radical Athletic fans”, they complained that they had to spend 35 minutes on the team bus to cover the route “only 500 meters”. and decided not to sell tickets to fans of the Bilbao club.

HeyTheir silence regarding the Atlético Front guys present in San Mamés and where they get their tickets from is unacceptable. When denouncing, it is advisable to also look inside yourself.

ORAnother night in which the cruel on both sides get their way. Incredible, but it’s true.

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