Barbara Abel: “Même dans mes reves les plus fous, je n’aurais jamais imaginé cela”

Barbara Abel’s romance seems very interesting the moment she learns that her book has been adapted for states.

”Pendant qu’il était au Festival de Toronto, 2018, Olivier (Masse-Depasse, NdlR) I sent the messages that Jessica Chastain provided to you. movie Duels et qu’elle voulait en faire un remake, etc. I heard they rent it out, he’s the manager there chez lui. I remember that a woman, Anne Cozens, is waiting for free pates. Olivier exploded with fatigue due to the festival and the hourly breakdown. This is a surrealist, en fait. This is in 2018. And yet, this is what is not understood, this is what is happening at a tremendous pace. After this new premiere, I took it over with my latest works. Mais, le Lendemain, La vie Reprend Son Cours. Weeks have passed, my times have passed… The contract was signed in 2020, in terms of a simple conclusion. On the sign of electronic manipulation without pouvoir faire la fête. And then in 2022 they already invite you on tour. These are moments that evoke strong emotions, but it is very diluted at this time. In 2018 I will accept a new one, in 2020, when signing a contract, in 2022 I will hold a tournament and sorting films in 2024. tête, de ne plus trop y penser et de continuer ma vie…”

Conte de Fees perfume

Lorsk Barbara Abel will return to tour in 2022, the actresses will visit the stage of the film.

“C’était fin mai, début juin, Je me souviens que j’étais allée passer dix jours à New York et le Tournage se faisait dans le New Jersey, 1 hour by car. In Australian style, it is a race story that represents a messenger who comes to visit us. Lorskuon has arrived, a tournament of actresses on the stage in the house. On this relaxation on the terrace downhill from the combo (allows you to see that the cameras are on the train with the filmer, NdlR). During the scene, Jessica Chastain discovers that Maxim is buried. “She was on tour against Anne Hathaway, and she saw her son’s face, which was decomposing… Un plan qui est resté in the film”credit Barbara Abel.

L’autrice is a conversation starter with two comedic characters. “Jessica Chastain welcomes me on board. It’s a huge deal, but most of the attention is paid to how this anecdote is told, because it can be paraite très pompeux or, on the contrary, very blasé about my part. Or pas du tote. Elle Est saves me. And he told me that he had the honor of meeting me again three times and that he simply replied that I did too. “This is an incredible situation… Même dans mes reves les plus fous de gloire, je n’aurais jamais imaginé cela”, A story about emotions.

“At the end of the trip, Anne Hathaway became my tour destination. This is already the third trial. She was beautiful, she couldn’t be a coach. She was baraguine in French, I was baraguine in English, on peu discusté de son role quand même. And I explained my comment and they are individuals. I just started here with tips for the endosser…”Pleasant Barbara Abel, clearly captivated by the look of the actress in the image of her son.


I generally refuse to work in Roman adaptations

The question of participation in writing the script has not yet passed. “I answer: “There are no Toujours.” In general, I love other projects and, simply put, not at times. In addition, I found several new products on the project. This story, I have already passed, and still half. Je l’ai déjà tordue dans tous les sens. “Je ne vois pas très bien ce que je peux apporter de plus que ce qu’il ya dans le bouquin.”

“When I wrote the novel, I didn’t think anything about a possible film or TV series script. This is the Roman that dresses the implementer, screenwriter or producer: a wealth of power, an adapter of words in images with the complete freedom of interpretation that it assumes. If you create a film at a fair, you will turn it on and leave before the screening a part that will not take place at all or with the distributor.”

Watch Baetens meet Anna Coens in Duels, directed by Belgian director Olivier Masse-Depasse.

Face aux choix faits par le movie d’Olivier Masset-Depasse (couronné de 9 Magritte) and this new American adaptation states: “It’s a pleasant surprise that in my memory the remake is next to Olivier’s film. There are several other adaptations: a wonderful film plus in a closed house. Olivier is the upstart who brings back history to justify my love. And indeed, someone chose a very simple and very effective one, this bouquet is a multitude plus a complex and many options plus projects. Il vaiment pris les temps forts de chaque étape. “Tout en restant fidèle au roman, quand il s’en éloigne, il developpe de très bonnes idees, comme la fête de l’école, for example.”

In both films, tragedy comes after life, mind you. “This is simply a scene that tells about the friendship of two women and the friendship of the little garçons. And then three minutes, upon arrival at the drama. Alors que le roman prend beaucoup de temps, j’expose l’histoire des two pendants for couples quasiment 80 pages. The turning point in the film comes at the 10th minute. In cinematic terms, suspense is simplicity and efficiency.”


Je pressentais que c’était une bonne histoire

Même si elle s’est pincée à chaque étape et se pince toujours face à ce qu’il lui will arrive, Barbara Abel scouts when she savait en écrivant Derrières-la-Haine que c’était une bonne histoire. “D’habitude, quand j’écris un roman, for example Comme si de rien n’était who came to sort, je suis pleine de doutes, je tâtonne. Alors que là, je pressentais que c’était une bonne histoire parce que c’est une histoire simple, intemporelle, universelle. La preuve: Olivier l’a placée dans les années 60. This is a drama that is not the original explanation or pendant analyzer of the clock. Tout le monde le comprend. Tout ce que Tiphaine met on the spot to combat chagrin, se deculpabiliser et reprendre pied dans la vie, était très agréable à planifier parce qu’évidemment, c’est condamnable et elle fait quelque chose de completion amoral, etc. Mais vu l’ampleur de son drama, but maybe that doesn’t mean I understand what’s going on in my action. And then the idea of ​​the end surprises me. Le jour où je l’ai trouvée, j’ai compris à mon degré d’excitation propre que c’était quelque, chose qui allait quand même marquer les esprits.

Quant au choix des des 60, replay in the film with Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain, in an embolism. “This is the vraiment l’idee de genie d’Olivier” (Masse-Depass). Visualization, deja, it’s very beautiful, very glamorous, very elegant. Based on a dark story in a context that was the opposite. It’s a very interesting part and what I’m touching on is great, but also it’s a brilliant idea that seems to create its own story, its own movie. Remaining true to history in Roman times, the psychological development of people is most important, but also that they are personal creations. And I discovered that he is actually very smart.”

L’actualité un peu bousculée by Barbara Abel

The class is scheduled to open on May 1st. At that moment I saw the TF1 diffuser in the series Attraction, write to Sophia Perrier and let it be broadcast on RTBF starting May 2nd. “This appears to be the trick TF1 is using to spread it. Attraction It was reported twice in May 2023 and later. Once the sorting has taken place, there will come a point upon the demand of what will happen and be maintained when the sorting has taken place. Derrières-la-Haine at the cinema. Or the film is also ready after more than one year… This means that everything will come out just right!”

Le fait que ce ce roman ait été adapté deux fois (en Belgique et aux États-Unis), lui at-il donné l’envie d’écrire ses propres scénarios?

“To begin with, I wrote the first season.AttractionThe end of 2018, and the month of souvenirs. The project was proposed by producer Catherine Burneau. First of all, I never asked the question because this is a different book. These two exercises cannot be seen before the others. And I think it’s legitimate to have words that are in images. Mais c’est vrai qu’avec Sofia, avec qui j’ai created this series, j’ai appris énormément sur l’écriture scénaristique. Donc, oui, pourquoi pas un jour écrire un the long métrage pour le cinéma. But most of all I want to avoid a good idea. Et pour le moment, ce n’est pas le cas…”

But she didn’t say anything. “Ce serait idiot parce que ce sont des adventurenelles. I said that I have many chances: I wrote the script for the series that took place that day. Et puis, this foray into the hall…” Cela n’arrive pas souvent dans la vie d’un écrivain belge. “C’est sûr, c’est incroyable, je compte bien enprofiter à fond…” déclare-t-elle tout sourire.

Before you return to work, the bathroom will be in your room. “Upon arrival at the end, I return the texts of the 2nd seasonAttraction pour some gin.” The second season of the Belgian series developed according to the principles of an anthology. “Avec une autre maison, une autre famille et un autre Danger Quient de l’Intérieur.”

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