Bitcoin creator disappeared 13 years ago: million dollar transfer just arrived in his account

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In December 2010, Satoshi Nakamoto decided to disappear. The anonymous creator of Bitcoin has shut down his wallet. Since then, nothing has been heard from him, and his pseudonym has become something of a myth in the cryptocurrency sector. But 2024 began with changes. 13 years later, Satoshi Nakamoto’s wallet is active again.

Author: Hataka

Genesis got the money again. This is the name of the first wallet created on the Bitcoin network. The account belongs to Nakamoto, whose identity remains a mystery today.

On January 5 at 07:52 CET, Satoshi’s account woke up with a transfer of almost 27 BTC. Namely 26,917 BTC, which is equivalent to approximately $1.17 million. After more than a decade of inactivity, the original Bitcoin account has changed significantly again.

Either it was Satoshi, or someone wants to attract attention. Conor Grogan, CEO of Coinbase, sums it up well: “Either Satoshi woke up, bought 27 bitcoins on Binance and put them in his wallet, or someone just burned a million dollars.” This massive movement has few possible explanations. Either it is Satoshi himself who wants to deposit more money into his account, or it is someone who wanted to attract attention and gave over a million dollars to the original creator of the cryptocurrency.

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