Brad Pitt wins two battles against Angelina Jolie in a war sparked by Miraval’s domain in Var.

When in 2008 in Var, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were confronted with the fact of acquiring the Miraval domain, the two stars had no idea what the property and its activities would be retroverted for several more years, later in the heart of guerrilla warfare. stands. Encore moins que leur separation en serait l’élement déclencheur.

Château Miraval and the Brangelines married in 2014, a chronicle of divorce in America that has largely become an economic-legal mess worthy of a “une Fiction à Tiroirs” script. .

Procedures in three countries

Domaine de Miraval. (Photo by Dr. Patrice Lapoirie).

The last two episodes of Brad Pitt’s Tournent Plutôt à L’Avantage. Please note whether re-connections are possible. Upon arrival on December 21, the Court of Appeal of Nimes overturns the Visant à Remettre en Cause la gestion et la control du Domaine.

And so, selon le media americain Page six, The Luxembourg Tribunal decided to enforce the act in accordance with majoritarian law in the screen society that controls Château Miraval SA. Temporary measure in connection with the rendering of a decision in the case.

The further judgment is equally accompanied by consideration of quelques semaines en Californie or plusieurs plates ont été déposées de part et d’autre.

Montage of societies

Please comment on how to return to these procedures? Everything rests in the actions of the Quimicum holding, a Luxembourg law society that owns Château Miraval SA. Quimicum is owned by two companies registered in Los Angeles: Mondo Bongo, created by Brad Pitt, and Nouvel LLC, founded by Angelina Jolie.

To finance the acquisition of the Miraval domain, investments of 15 million euros and another 10 million are required, respectively 60% and 40% of the transaction amount.

Before the couple’s wedding, Brad Pitt recently transferred 10% of Quimicum’s capital to Angelina Jolie so that she would control 50% of the maison mère Château Miraval.

Symbolic euro

After the divorce, as a result of legal proceedings initiated by the Kindergarten, Angelina Jolie decided to separate herself from her shares in the profits of Yuri Scheffler, the Russian (exile) vodka magnate. This is an étincelle that can resolve a difficult family conflict.

The new owner of Nouvel LLC is also imposed on Brad Pitt “not il dénonce.” The main thing“sur les activités viticoles de Miraval. Les avocats du milliardaire russe ont même obtenu en 2022 que des documents soient saisis chez les partenaires de Pitt dans le Vaucluse pour étayer des allégations de» management responsibilities“. This is true” civil prosecution“What a wind the Nîmes Court of Appeal wrote.

The situation between the two “associations” represents the point at which the administrators have envisaged these projects in 2023 to continue the “fair tournament” of SARL Quimicum and the subsidiary Château Miraval SA.

From now on, Brad Pitt told Californian and Luxembourg judges that he hopes to get Angelina Jolie’s sale of Nouvel LLC to Yuri Scheffler annulled. Selon le plaignant, l’actrice ne pouvait vendre ses parts sans son Accord. I understand that all these days invalidate the transfer of 10% of Chemicum, agreed to Pitt-a-Jolie, for… one euro. Contrepartie never said or argued in his statements.

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