Can I cancel my Amazon order in one click?

The e-commerce giant offers us the opportunity to buy a huge number of products with just one click. It’s a good idea to speed up the process as much as possible, but a risk for impulsive people. We will let you know whether or not you can deactivate it.

It has been studied that reduce the number of clicks Making a product purchase allows you to stimulate it in everything related to e-commerce. The fewer clicks, the less likely it is that the consumer will regret it at some point in the process. Amazon has long offered us the ability to buy large quantities of products with just one click. If we previously saved both our address and nour payment preferences, we only need to click the “Buy in One Click” button to process our order. No further intermediate steps.

This simplified process This allows us to reduce the waiting time we have to spend to purchase any product. However, yes we have small children This can also be a problem at home. Because a mistake when tapping on the screen of our mobile phone or tablet can be enough to create a charge on our bank account that we could not control. A good solution could be to deactivate orders in one click on Amazon, we will tell you how to do this.

How to disable orders in one click

Once we’ve verified that it is indeed possible to deactivate the ability to enable one-click orders by default, it’s time to look at how we can deactivate this option.

The first thing we need to take into account is express order options They are located in the Amazon One-Click Order Settings menu. To do this, we must log into our Amazon account and click on the “My Payments” menu.

Amazon settings page

When let’s open a new tab, We will be able to see all the cards that we have saved in our Amazon account. However, we must click the Settings button at the top. When we click on it, it will tell us all the details that we have configured on Amazon, which indicates, among other things, the payment method or default shipping address.

However, the aspect that we are really interested in is the one we see in the top right corner and which we see in the following screenshot. There we will find a button with which we can enable or disable payment in one click from our browser.

Amazon settings page

Enable it for each device

Amazon also offers us the opportunity let’s block this option depending on the device we are working with. That is, if we do not want to risk accidentally purchasing any product on the family device, just go to the same menu in which we were previously and select “Manage one-click ordering for your devices”.

By clicking on this tab we can activate and deactivate each of our devices manually, having greater control over the actions taking place on our various profiles.

Amazon settings page

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